On 2014-12-05 04:37, George wrote:> On Thu, Dec 4, 2014 at 5:19 AM, Sven Schwedas <sven.schwedas at
tao.at> wrote:
>> Tbh, you might get away with using PCEngines' APU boards (the
>> to their Alix boards with a massively upgraded CPU) if individual
>> machines don't need RAID (because everything is replicated anyway).
> I considered that, but what would you use for storage?? They have an mSATA
> port, but a decent mSSD costs twice as much as whole appliance! =(
Don't they also have a normal SATA+power port?
Mit freundlichen Gr??en, / Best Regards,
Sven Schwedas
TAO Beratungs- und Management GmbH | Lendplatz 45 | A - 8020 Graz
Mail/XMPP: sven.schwedas at tao.at | +43 (0)680 301 7167
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