On 2014-01-19 12:23, Horace wrote:> Hello,
> I have created a machine trust account with the following command
> 'pdbedit -a -m -u machinename' and I noticed that after I execute
> following command 'pdbedit -L -v -u machinename', the Unix username
> in lowercase letters? Because when I attempt to join a domain with a
> Windows 8.1 machine, it emits a error that it can't find the Machine
> account? Does it matter if the machinename is in capitals or lowercase
> ?
I just ran into another problem, which could be the cause of the issue
abouve, I didn't realize that after migrating from to, the dns entries would be out of date. In the mean time, I
can't seem to find a reliable way to update the DNS entry with a new
IP?. In the mean time, I will be fool around with 'samba-tool dns..'