hi after kpasswd paniced samba4 (debian wheezy packages, beta2) i've compiled the latest from git (Version 4.0.0beta8-GIT-5131359). It does not panic anymore but tells me the following: # kpasswd Password for user at TEST.DOMAIN: Enter new password: Enter it again: Password change rejected: Password must be at least 7 characters long, and cannot match any of your 24 previous passwords The new password hasn't been used before on this account. Complexety criteria are met too (otherwise it correctly fails and tells that they are not met). Is kpasswd supposed to work with samba4? - Thomas
Am Thu, 30 Aug 2012 13:45:50 +0000 schrieb Thomas Mueller:> # kpasswd Password for user at TEST.DOMAIN: > Enter new password: > Enter it again: > Password change rejected: Password must be at least 7 characters long, > and cannot match any of your 24 previous passwordsOK, it's not a kpasswd problem. Changing the password from windows (ctrl - alt -del -> change password) brings up the same message. - Thomas
Maybe Matching Threads
- samba4 : [kerberos part kinit work but no kpasswd
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- Allow self password change using LDAP(s) with Samba4
- Samba4 changing a user's password from linux workstation
- Samba4 changing a user's password from linux workstation