?? Hi to everybody. ? ?? I have an Ubuntu?server running Samba 3, and its 25 Kubuntu clients. This server?does authenticate the users added (to Samba and to Ubuntu linux itself), but those users can't see their /home directory. What's going wrong??? ? ?? Below is the server's smb.conf: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [global] ??????? workgroup = CCLAB ??????? netbios name = SLAB ??????? server string = Servidor LABCOMP ??????? ??????? domain master = yes ??????? domain logons = yes ??????? logon script = netlogon.bat ??????? logon home = \\%L\%U\.profiles ??????? logon path = \\%L\profiles\%U ??????? security = user ??????? encrypt passwords = yes ??????? enable privileges = yes ??????? passdb backend = tdbsam ??????? preferred master = yes ??????? local master = yes ??????? os level = 100 ??????? wins support = yes [netlogon] ??????? comment = Servi?o de Logon ??????? path = /var/samba/netlogon ??????? read only = yes ??????? browseable = no [homes] ??????? valid users = %S ??????? create mask = 0700 ??????? directory mask = 0700 ??????? browseable = no [profiles] ??????? path = /var/profiles ??????? writeable = yes ??????? browseable = no ??????? create mask = 0600 ??????? directory mask = 0700 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ?? And below is the client's smb.conf: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ?[global] netbios name = CPU-3 workgroup = CCLAB winbind use default domain = yes obey pam restrictions = yes security = domain encrypt passwords = true wins server = winbind uid = 10000-20000 winbind gid = 10000-20000 template shell = /bin/bash template homedir = /home/%U winbind separator = + invalid users = root ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ? ?? Thanks in advance to all. --------------------------------------------- HELCIO WAGNER DA SILVA Novos endere?os, o Yahoo! que voc? conhece. Crie um email novo com a sua cara @ymail.com ou @rocketmail.com. http://br.new.mail.yahoo.com/addresses