Julie Burkett
2008-Feb-27 07:22 UTC
[Samba] Need to "net use \\someserver\someshare" to increase speed?
All, We've been testing to determine why SAMBA access to UNIX clearcase VOBs became slow when we upgraded from 2.2.8a to 3.0.14 (and now 3.0.24). I cannot say we've found 'anything new' but we have found the following behavior. Any help understanding why a WinXP and Win2K client would need the shares to VOB storage mapped to speed processing would be appreciated (note that it works without the mapping just uses a process per connection). Or, perhaps there is a setting missing from smb.conf or the Windows clients. Thoughts? For those unfamiliar with clearcase, cleartext is the text generated by clearcase (from a base version with deltas) when a user wants to view a pariticular version of a file. There are 'scrubbing' parameters that remove cleartext after it is unused for a period of time. But, as long as someone accesses it or the scrubbing is set to 'never' the need to build cleartext is minimal. Also, a snapshot view is a view where a user requests particular versions of all files specified and clearcase sends those files to the user's computer. The user can then go offline and work on those files and send the updates back to the VOB server when finished (i.e. update the view). My test snapshot view uses about 5000 files/120MB of data. 1. If there is no cleartext for a source container, a new connection will be opened and closed for each cleartext as it is created from source. I stopped the test after an hour when only 645 files had been transferred. At that rate, it would have taken about 8-9 more hours 2. If the Windows client maps a drive to the Samba share, then a connection is kept open from client to VOB server and only one connection is used as cleartext containers are created from source containers. This speeds up the snapshot view loading dramatically. It took about 30 minutes to load 5000 files/120MB. I consider this to be reasonable performance. 3. If the cleartext for the source container exists but no drive is mapped from the client to the Samba share, multiple connections are opened to transfer the files. However, instead of one connection for each files, several files 50-100 are transferred before the connection is closed an a new one opens It took about 9 minutes to transfer the 5000 files/120 MB 4. If the cleartext for the source container exists and a drive is mapped from the client to the Samba share, only one connection is used to transfer all of the data. However, there was no significant difference in the time to transfer the data than the previous item 3. It took about 9 minutes to load the view. 5. There was no difference between 3.0.14a -- security = ads 3.0.14a -- security = domain 3.0.24 -- security = domain Thank you for suggestions, Julie
Possibly Parallel Threads
- Permissions look different from Windows (cygwin & SAMBA) than from Unix
- massive performance problems if transferring many small files
- samba for Rational Clearcase.
- Using Samba and Rational ClearCase Tools
- Does samba work with clearcase (unix vobs --> nt clients)?