I am interested in implementing the 'createservice()' functionality
using the RPC protocol. I need this functionality badly, and I
understand it is not implemented.
I understand vaguely how this should be working and found some
here: hsc.fr/ressources/articles/win_net_srv
and here:
I guess the issue here is to use the same method used in the 'net'
command ('net.c' - util) and try to call the rpc-client with just
different parameter as the above mentioned links state.
I don't have much experience in samba programming and I need to know:
(a) how complicate is that? should it be an easy task?
(b) I need some starting point.
(of course - if this is already implemented somewhere, i would be glad
to know!)
Regards, Danny.
> On Apr 4, 8:50 am, "Gerald (Jerry) Carter" <j...@samba.org>
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Volker Lendecke wrote:
>>> On Tue, Mar 13, 2007 at 03:27:01PM +0800, syshen wrote:
>>>> I just saw samba added the "net rpc service" for
Win32 service
>>>> management since 3.0.20, and it's fantastic. I used to use
>>>> to do this job, but now I can use samba! However, I also found
it has
>>>> limited usage. I cannot pass parameters when I start a service,
and I
>>>> cannot create a new service, too.
>>>> Is there any plan for samba to extend this feature?
>>> I'm not aware that this is on anyone's active list, but it
>>> should be quite trivial to do if this is doable via RPC at
>>> all. I'll be happy to review/test a patch.
>> Same here. The only reason the remaining functions
>> were not implemented was lack of time.
>> cheers, jerry
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