I just setup a new server for a client and everything is running well. I added and setup all the users from the cli just because that's how I'm used to doing it. I tried using the samba gui that comes with CentOS 4.03 and I tried Webmin but nether one will add the user proberly to the tdbsam database. They add the user fine to the /etc/passwd file but samba does not get updated properly. My client wants to be able to do this himself and not call me everytime and I'd prefer not to have to type out CLI type instructions. There must be a gui of some sort that works????? - Gary -- Edison Information Technologies www.edisoninfo.com PO BOX 554 gary@edisoninfo.com Milan, OH 44846-0554 800.874.7128 419.499.7040
Gary MacKay wrote:> I just setup a new server for a client and everything is running well. > I added and setup all the users from the cli just because that's how > I'm used to doing it. I tried using the samba gui that comes with > CentOS 4.03 and I tried Webmin but nether one will add the user > proberly to the tdbsam database. They add the user fine to the > /etc/passwd file but samba does not get updated properly. My client > wants to be able to do this himself and not call me everytime and I'd > prefer not to have to type out CLI type instructions. There must be a > gui of some sort that works????? > > > - Gary >Have you tried SWAT?
Swat does not have anything for adding/editing/deleting users. Gary MacKay wrote:>/ I just setup a new server for a client and everything is running well./>/ I added and setup all the users from the cli just because that's how />/ I'm used to doing it. I tried using the samba gui that comes with />/ CentOS 4.03 and I tried Webmin but nether one will add the user />/ proberly to the tdbsam database. They add the user fine to the />/ /etc/passwd file but samba does not get updated properly. My client />/ wants to be able to do this himself and not call me everytime and I'd />/ prefer not to have to type out CLI type instructions. There must be a />/ gui of some sort that works????? />/ />/ />/ - Gary />/ / Have you tried SWAT?