OK, I'm a Samba Noob, so be gentle with me. ;-) I've finally (mainly because I'm an idiot) gotten samba (Version 3.0.14a-Debian) working on a Debian Stable system (uname -a =Linux files 2.4.27-2-386 #1 Wed Aug 17 09:33:35 UTC 2005 i686 GNU/Linux ) and I have several userid's & shares built & working, however, no matter which user logs in to Swat (for personal password changing) they have access to *everything*, including diddling with the smb.conf file, which would be a *bad* thing. Otherwise, things seem to be fine other than that "small" security glitch. ;-) The users have their "own" group, and their shares are listed to be owned solely by them - here's a snippet for one user: files:/etc/samba# grep missy /etc/passwd missy:x:2006:2006:missy:/home/everyone/missy:/bin/false files:/etc/samba# grep missy /etc/group missy:x:2006: I also have a few group entries like this: companies:x:1009:josh,missy,marilyn listing several people who should be in a group for a "group share" and here's the respective entry for this user in smb.conf: [missy] comment = Missy's Directory write list = missy create mask = 0600 directory mask = 0700 browseable = yes writable = yes path = /home/everyone/missy/files =-=-= and the group share also: [Companies] comment = B2B Company Information browseable = yes write list = missy,marilyn,josh group = companies writable = yes create mask = 0660 directory mask = 0770 path=/home/groups/companies =-=-=-=-=-=-=- I also haven't figured out how to be able to get the shares to be "visible" under Nutwork Neighborhood in Winders, but the users are [gasp!] fairly competent and getting them to mount the share via the IP address really shouldn't be much of a problem; therefore I'm not really worried about it. ;-) I have the full smb.conf file available here: http://www.30below.com/~zmerch/samba/smb.conf I don't want to keep it there _forever_ but I'll leave it up for 7 days or so. Yes, I've googled. Yes, I've scanned the last few months of the archives. No, I've not been able to figure this out - anyone out there have a clue-by-4 with my name on it? ;-) Thanks! Roger "Merch" Merchberger -- Roger "Merch" Merchberger | "Bugs of a feather flock together." sysadmin, Iceberg Computers | Russell Nelson zmerch@30below.com |