Pour info ceci est une Mailing List anglophone (m?me si tout serait tellement
en Fran?ais..:) . Also speak english here.
Try this allow host parametter :
allow hosts = 192.168.2.
Most computer user don't know what is a "dream box". You can
explain what it is in
your Post. Is it that : ??
Julien a ?crit :
> bonjour, je tente de faire fonctionner samba sur une dreambox.
> Voici les erreurs dans le log:
> Got device type ?????
> 2005/10/27 22:25:41 Denied connection from THIERRY_SIDONIE (
to hdd
> 2005/10/27 22:25:41 error packet at line 165 cmd=117 (SMBtconX) eclass=2
> voici le fichier smb.conf:
> [global]
> log file = /media/hdd/log/samba/log.%m
> socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_SNDBUF=8192 SO_RCVBUF=8192
> netbios name = dreambox
> server string = dreambox
> username map = /etc/
> guest ok = yes
> guest account = root
> encrypt passwords = yes
> smb passwd file = /etc/passwd
> wins support = yes
> local master = yes
> domain master = yes
> password server = none
> security = share
> #wins server =
> #interfaces =
> remote announce =
> workgroup = Mshome
> debug level =7
> os level = 0
> [hdd]
> comment = HDD on Dreambox
> writeable = yes
> path = /media/hdd
> guest ok = yes
> browseable = yes
> valid users = root, nobody, guest, invite, Thierry,
> allow hosts = 192.168.2./,
> public = yes
> [root]
> comment = Root on Dreambox ( Attention ! )
> path = /
> writeable = yes
> browseable = yes
> guest ok = yes
> valid users = root, nobody, guest, invite, Thierry,
> ftpUser,Administrateur
> allow hosts = 192.168.2./,
> public = yes
> root = root Thierry invite guest Administrateur THIERRY_SIDONIE
> nobody = guest pcguest smbguest Thierry
> hosts
> localhost.localdomain localhost
> dreambox
> Merci beaucoup pour toute suggestion qui pourrait m'aider
> Thierry Vorms
> --
> To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the
> instructions:
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