Is there any way for winbind to authenticate vnc logins? I've got winbind up and running and working fine for local and gdm logins on a Fedora Core 3 installation. But when I try to set up vncserver on it, it doesn't recognize winbind users. There doesn't seem to be a PAM for vnc. So is remote access via vnc out of the question for winbind users?
Basil Copeland schrieb:>Is there any way for winbind to authenticate vnc logins? I've got >winbind up and running and working fine for local and gdm logins on a >Fedora Core 3 installation. But when I try to set up vncserver on it, >it doesn't recognize winbind users. There doesn't seem to be a PAM >for vnc. So is remote access via vnc out of the question for winbind >users? > >Hi, vnc has its own password set, which is very cool if windows auth fails, ( maybe there are prof vnc clones which work in an other way ) for domain/win auth use dameware Redgards
Basil Copeland wrote:> Is there any way for winbind to authenticate vnc logins?Not the (free) vnc edition. The Enterprise (non-free) vnc edition from (supposedly) supports authenticating against windows/domain logins. -- Rex