Paul, Deryck, et al.,
Thanks for all of your help (OP isn't savvy--what was your first clue?
<g>). After sufficient prodding, I went and looked and found the
URL, at our very own, for rpms for Samba v 3.0.14a:
Looks like I'll be uninstalling the source build and installing these
rpms.... I'm also going to go to school on Paul's Option 2 below.
Eric Hines
>From: Paul Gienger <>
>User-Agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0 (Windows/20041206)
>Subject: Re: [Samba] Samba Install/SWAT Access
>Deryck Hodge wrote:
>>Eric Hines wrote:
>>>Thanks for your response. I got the version from as a
>>>file, which turned out to be source code. I did install from
>>>Where can I get an rpm package for this version? Alternatively (for
>>>longer term benefit), how do I a) get FC3 to look at/use the upgrade
>>>version in the samba team's directory structure, or b) install
>>>upgrade version into FC3's directory structure?
>>>Eric Hines
>>You can specify a different directory structure when using configure.
>>"./configure --help" to see the options.
>>Running "./configure --help | grep dir" produced the
>While this is all fine and good, it still doesn't fix the problem I was
>addressing, that being source code installs on a RPM based system can
>cause havoc if you aren't adept at keeping things straight. Not to be
>demeaning to Eric, but the OP here isn't savvy (yet ;) ) on where things
>should be to fix the system when things break, hence the post here.
>Eric, to answer your questsons
>a) simple really, build an RPM that has been built to RH/Fedora's
>b) see answer a.
>To build a rpm to these specs, you have 3 real choices. One of them I
>outlined in my response, which is to run the script, which I
>think you need to add u+x permissions to before it will run.
>Option 2 is to grab a src.rpm and build that way. This is a long
>description, but it's pretty easy. If you download
>and install that, you will get the sources installed in a way that you can
>build from them in RHs directory structure. To build the rpm files, you
>go to /usr/src/redhat/SPECS and execute 'rpmbuild -bb samba.spec'
>will then go nuts building, provided you have any dependancies installed,
>it will complain if you don't. If it does complain, install any
>it is asking for. Once it exits (hopefully with a 0 result) you will have
>packages built in /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386 (assuming that you're
>an x86-32 arch). Install all the samba packages without the -debug in
>the name. I'm sure there's an option to disable debug builds, but I
>know it off hand.
>- note that you have to have a few deve packages installed to just get
>started here, like rpmbuild (I think, it used to be named that) and maybe
>some other stuff. Try to run rpmbuild bare and see if it runs, if not
>start to install that and put in whatever it asks for. If you aren't
>how to do that, go to your install disk's rpm directory and run rpm -ivh
><package_file_name>.rpm. I realize now that you may not be that
>at installing rpm files, that command right there is one you could end up
>using a lot in this step. You can install several packages at once by
>just adding more filenames at the end.
>Option 3 is to find a binary packaged RPM file someplace. You're on
>own there, I usually do step 2 if things aren't available in my yum
>Hope that helps.
>Paul Gienger Office: 701-281-1884
>Applied Engineering Inc.
>Systems Architect Fax: 701-281-1322
>URL: mailto:
If you are unwilling to defend your right to your own life, then you are
like a mouse trying to argue with owls. You think their ways are wrong.
They think you are dinner.