Dear list, This problem has been bugging me for days now, I've got Cups version 1.1.21 and Samba 3.0.7 installed and working. There is a single Laserjet 4100 attached to the network, printing via Cups or Cups/Samba works fine. The problems are with getting Point'n'Print to work. I've been scouring the net, archived posts of this list, read the official Samba manual, to no avail. The problem is always the same; I can successfully copy the drivers into the W32X86 directory using e.g. smbclient, but issuing the adddriver command via rpcclient rpcclient newserver -N -U'root%******' -c 'adddriver "Windows NT x86" "printer:cupsdrvr.dll:printer.ppd:cupsui.dll:cups.hlp:NULL:RAW:NULL"' Always returns: result was WERR_ACCESS_DENIED I've tried using the GUI method but when I get to the Advanced tab the 'New Driver' button is grayed out. Best regards, Philip Here's my smb.conf: ---------------------------[snip]----------------- [global] # Replace MYWORKGROUPNAME with your workgroup/domain workgroup = NOVASOFT # Of course this has no REAL purpose other than letting # everyone know its not Windows! # %v prints the version of Samba we are using. server string = Samba Server %v # We are going to use cups, so we are going to put it in here ;-) load printers = yes printing = cups printcap name = cups use client driver = no # We want a log file and we do not want it to get bigger than 50kb. log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m max log size = 50 # We are going to set some options for our interfaces... socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192 # This is a good idea, what we are doing is binding the # samba server to our local network. # For example, if eth0 is our local network device interfaces = lo eth0 bind interfaces only = yes # Now we are going to specify who we allow, we are afterall # very security conscience, since this configuration does # not use passwords! hosts allow = hosts deny = # Other options for this are USER, DOMAIN, ADS, and SERVER # The default is user security = user # No passwords, so we're going to use a guest account! guest account = samba guest ok = yes # We now will implement the on access virus scanner. # NOTE: By putting this in our [Global] section, we enable # scanning of ALL shares, you could optionally move # these to a specific share and only scan it. # For Samba 3.x vfs object = vscan-clamav vscan-clamav: config-file = /etc/samba/vscan-clamav.conf # Now we setup our print drivers information! [print$] comment = Printer Drivers # this path holds the driver structure path = /etc/samba/drivers guest ok = yes browseable = yes read only = yes # Modify this to "username,root" if you don't want root to # be the only printer admin) write list = maph,root [HP_Laserjet_4100] comment = HP LaserJet Network Printer printable = yes path = /var/spool/samba public = yes guest ok = yes guest account = samba printer admin = maph,root # Now we setup our printers share. This should be # browseable, printable, public. [printers] comment = All Printers path = /var/spool/samba browseable = no public = yes guest ok = yes writeable = no printable = yes printer admin = maph,root
Martin Zielinski
2004-Oct-04 14:36 UTC
[Samba] Point'n'Print: adddriver / WERR_ACCESS_DENIED
Hello Philip, try putting the "printer admin" parameter into the global section. It's a global parameter that cannot be used "per share". Greetings, Martin On Monday 04 October 2004 16:00, Philip Maurer wrote:> Dear list, > > This problem has been bugging me for days now, I've got Cups version > 1.1.21 and Samba 3.0.7 installed and working. There is a single > Laserjet 4100 attached to the network, printing via Cups or Cups/Samba > works fine. > > The problems are with getting Point'n'Print to work. I've been scouring > the net, archived posts of this list, read the official Samba manual, to > no avail. The problem is always the same; I can successfully copy the > drivers into the W32X86 directory using e.g. smbclient, but issuing the > adddriver command via rpcclient > > rpcclient newserver -N -U'root%******' -c 'adddriver "Windows NT x86" > "printer:cupsdrvr.dll:printer.ppd:cupsui.dll:cups.hlp:NULL:RAW:NULL"' > > Always returns: result was WERR_ACCESS_DENIED > > I've tried using the GUI method but when I get to the Advanced tab the > 'New Driver' button is grayed out. > > Best regards, > Philip > > Here's my smb.conf: > ---------------------------[snip]----------------- > [global] > # Replace MYWORKGROUPNAME with your workgroup/domain > workgroup = NOVASOFT > # Of course this has no REAL purpose other than letting > # everyone know its not Windows! > # %v prints the version of Samba we are using. > server string = Samba Server %v > # We are going to use cups, so we are going to put it in here ;-) > load printers = yes > printing = cups > printcap name = cups > use client driver = no > # We want a log file and we do not want it to get bigger than 50kb. > log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m > max log size = 50 > # We are going to set some options for our interfaces... > socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192 > # This is a good idea, what we are doing is binding the > # samba server to our local network. > # For example, if eth0 is our local network device > interfaces = lo eth0 > bind interfaces only = yes > # Now we are going to specify who we allow, we are afterall > # very security conscience, since this configuration does > # not use passwords! > hosts allow = > hosts deny = > # Other options for this are USER, DOMAIN, ADS, and SERVER > # The default is user > security = user > # No passwords, so we're going to use a guest account! > guest account = samba > guest ok = yes > > # We now will implement the on access virus scanner. > # NOTE: By putting this in our [Global] section, we enable > # scanning of ALL shares, you could optionally move > # these to a specific share and only scan it. > > # For Samba 3.x > vfs object = vscan-clamav > vscan-clamav: config-file = /etc/samba/vscan-clamav.conf > > # Now we setup our print drivers information! > [print$] > comment = Printer Drivers > # this path holds the driver structure > path = /etc/samba/drivers > guest ok = yes > browseable = yes > read only = yes > # Modify this to "username,root" if you don't want root to > # be the only printer admin) > write list = maph,root > > [HP_Laserjet_4100] > comment = HP LaserJet Network Printer > printable = yes > path = /var/spool/samba > public = yes > guest ok = yes > guest account = samba > printer admin = maph,root > > # Now we setup our printers share. This should be > # browseable, printable, public. > [printers] > comment = All Printers > path = /var/spool/samba > browseable = no > public = yes > guest ok = yes > writeable = no > printable = yes > printer admin = maph,root-- Martin Zielinski ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Software Development SEH Computertechnik GmbH ? ?