Hi Samba List - I've been surfing the web for a while looking for some help with moving an existing Samba 3.0 PDC to a different machine. I don't want to have to reconfigure each machine on my domain. There has got to be a way to backup the full domain controller, reinstall the samba packages on a new Linux machine, and just restore the users database, etc. I'm sure someone has done this already. Anyone know of a good how-to or any additional information I can access? Help is appreciated. Thanks! - Brad
Moondance Foxmarnick
2004-Oct-04 01:09 UTC
[Samba] Move Samba 3.0 PDC to different machine
-Brad Saint's preserve! I thought I was the only one that couldn't find a "what-files-to-pull" list! Now there are two of us! I am moving from 2.x to 3.0 PDC (my original PDC is trying to set itself on fire) and cannot find a list of files anywhere! I even have the 'Official Samba-3' book. They cover migration.. without covering what files to pull. Here is a list of the files I _have_ pulled (I am also moving from RedHat 9 to Fedora Core 2) For Fedora: Group,group- and group.lock Passwd, passwd- and passwd.lock Shadow, shadow- and shadow.lock For Samba: Smb.conf Smbpasswd Smbusers Fedora is fine, even though I don't know what the - files or the .lock files are. But so far Samba will not let me log anyone in although testparm came up okay (just needed to remove "domain admin group"). I'm here today (sun.) to do further troubleshooting. I need to get it going today, because this is a school server and come Monday, they need it. My config is simple - only PDC for network, no password backend, no BDC. Very plain vanilla. I know my problem is the smbpasswd list, I just can't readily figure out why. I think I'm missing some files. There is a secrets.tdb file in the old Samba directory, which _may_ be the missing link, but it all needs to be researched for me. Unfortunately, with the orginal server overheating, there is no time to prep. I was planning on migrating (in a controlled fashion) to Samba 3.0 for the ACL support. Now I find myself having to do it now because 3.0 was rolled with Fedora Core 2. Just to increase the level of fun (no, really, I love a challenge <grin>) I'm learning Linux, Domain networking and SAMBA concurrently. Thank god for message groups and the internet. -Moondance -----Original Message----- From: samba-bounces+calabash=earthlink.net@lists.samba.org [mailto:samba-bounces+calabash=earthlink.net@lists.samba.org] On Behalf Of Brad Otto Sent: Sunday, October 03, 2004 11:34 AM To: samba@lists.samba.org Subject: [Samba] Move Samba 3.0 PDC to different machine Hi Samba List - I've been surfing the web for a while looking for some help with moving an existing Samba 3.0 PDC to a different machine. I don't want to have to reconfigure each machine on my domain. There has got to be a way to backup the full domain controller, reinstall the samba packages on a new Linux machine, and just restore the users database, etc. I'm sure someone has done this already. Anyone know of a good how-to or any additional information I can access? Help is appreciated. Thanks! - Brad -- To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the instructions: http://lists.samba.org/mailman/listinfo/samba