It looks like your client that is doing this, have you tried adding your
wins/dns server to your vpn client setup? (In XP it is in properties >
tcp/ip > properties > advanced > wins/dns of the vpn connection)
Saad Ahmed wrote:
>I am using Samba on RH9 for providing namaing services. We were using WINS
before for naming.
>On networking neighborhood, I can see all computers (when I am in the
office), however when I am travelling, I am not able to see the list. Not only
that, I am unable to connect to my computer using \\NameOfComputer. I can
connect through \\MyIpAddress.
>I could see the list of computers when I was using WINS in the past. Does
anyone know the solution to fix this on Samba.
>Your help would be highly appreciated.