Because of security reasons, my school has blocked tcp port 445 and 139. This make it impossible to for my window xp desktop to the remote samba service on Linux. Although the samba sercie on Linux and change its port by a "-p" option. But windows always look for 445 and 139 port. I've tried a lot of ways to work it out including local port redirection but none of them works. Is there a way for window xp to use a different port for smb service lookup. Any help is apprieciated.
On 13 Jul 2004, at 14:06, Wang.Hua wrote:> Because of security reasons, my school has blocked tcp port 445 and > 139. > This make it impossible to for my window xp desktop to the remote > samba service on Linux.The best option is to set up a VPN. Windows XP provides support for L2TP over IPSec, so consider compiling IPSec support into your Linux server, and run one of the L2TP servers. This link looks promising: HTH Alex Satrapa
Wang.Hua wrote:> Because of security reasons, my school has blocked tcp port 445 and 139. >This make it impossible to for my window xp desktop to the remote samba service on Linux. >Although the samba sercie on Linux and change its port by a "-p" option. But windows always >look for 445 and 139 port. > I've tried a lot of ways to work it out including local port redirection but none of them works. > Is there a way for window xp to use a different port for smb service lookup. > Any help is apprieciated. > >I'm assuming you're talking about within a college level campus here. You could always try to plug in a consumer router box to the school network and then put your machines behind it, it'd just be easier, and less of a hack to your systems. That would probably keep you away from both the rampant hax0r wannabes on most college campuses (at least around here) and an overly ambitious IT department that likes to think they own every student machine like they're on a corporate network. -- Paul Gienger Office: 701-281-1884 Applied Engineering Inc. Cell: 701-306-6254 Information Systems Consultant Fax: 701-281-1322 URL: