Should really have been posted to an LDAP list, but anyways...
Please read through all of this: I may be violating some object classes
here, but I didn't research all of it, just fixing the obvious errors
abebe lsslp wrote:
>As I enter this in the command line:
>ldapadd -x -h localhost -D "cn=manager,dc=EAGLES,dc=com" -f
base.ldif -W
>I get the message:
>ldapadd: update failed: dc=EAGLES,dc=com
>ldap_add: Already exists (68)
>Is that a bad thing? Here is my whole "base.ldif" file under
In that it halts the import of your ldif yes. Also in that you have a
badly broken ldif.
>dn: dc=EAGLES,dc=com
>objectClass: domain
Add this to the object that already has the dn dc=EAGLES,dc=com
dn: dc=EAGLES,dc=com
objectclass: dcobject
objectclass: organization
objectClass: domain
o: EAGLES com.
>dn: ou=Groups,dc=EAGLES,dc=com
>objectClass: top
>objectClass: organizationalunit
>ou: Groups
>description: System groups
>dn: ou=Users,dc=EAGLES,dc=com
>objectclass: top
>objectclass: organizationalunit
>ou: Users
>description: Users of the Organization
>dn: ou=Computers,dc=EAGLES,dc=com
>objectclass: top
>objectclass: organizationalunit
>ou: Computers
>description: Windows Domain Computers
See previous posts about not being able to use ou=Computers.
>dn: ou=manager,dc=EAGLES,dc=com
>objectclass: organizationalrole
>cn: manager
This entry is also broken in that your dn: uncludes an ou, which is not
specified below as an attribute. As an aside, you don't need to
manually specify your Manager object.
>dn: cn=Domain Admins,ou=Groups,dc=EAGLES,dc=com
>objectClass: posixGroup
>gidNumber: 200
>cn: Domain Admins
>memberUid: administrator
>description: Windows Domain Users
>dn: cn=Domain Users,ou=Groups,dc=EAGLES,dc=com
>objectClass: posixGroup
>gidNumber: 201
>cn: Domain Users
>description: Windows Domain Users
Why not leave these out and just let the smbtools-populate script add them?
Paul Gienger Office: 701-281-1884
Applied Engineering Inc. Cell: 701-306-6254
Information Systems Consultant Fax: 701-281-1322