I have a Samba 3.0.2 LDAP-based domain that controls my company's three offices. Outside of some minor hiccups (which we are working through - thanks, John Terpstra) I'm only having one "real" difficulty. At random times, a group of my users are "loosing" connection to their home folders. A bit about my setup: Platform: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3.0 "ES" Samba version: 3.0.2-6.3E (latest "up2date" version) Windows version: Primarily Windows 2000 Professional, although I do have a handful of Windows 98 and Windows XP Professional machines around. In the LDAP entry for each user I have the following lines which map Windows drive letter "H" to point to their home directory on the Linux/Samba server: sambaHomeDrive: H: sambaHomePath: \\<samba-server>\homes\<username> This has been working for the most part, but like I said at random times (even while the users are actively using files in their directory) the mapping will just disappear. As you can imagine, this causes all kinds of trouble. It seems only to have affected about 5 people (thus far). For example I have never seen this on my desktop (I'm running Windows XP). So my question to the group is: Has anyone here experienced this kind of behavior? If so, what must be done to fix it? Thanks in advance. -- Kevin L. Collins, MCSE Systems Manager Nesbitt Engineering, Inc.