> I am running Samba 2.2.7a-58 on a SuSE 8.2 system. I have a few PC
> connecting to the server and a few MACs. I am having a problem with
> the MACs. Sometimes (most of the time) the MAC clients can access the
> shares on the server, but can't access their home folders. They
> even see the home folder. Going via netatalk it works fine. I have
> gone through some documentation and can not find anything pertaining
> to my problem. The PCs can acess their home folders just fine.
> Testparm runs with no errors. Just no home folders available for the
> mac os x users. When I look in my samba logfiles, I can see that the
> clients are connecting to samba using nobody as the username. Sure
> this is not right?
> Any help would be appreciated.
> I am just about running a default config of samba. Nothing fancy like
> PDC etc. No printers either.
> Thanks
Eugene Joubert
Network Administrator
CentraTel (PTY) LTD
Enabling Communications
*Office: +27 11 695 9000
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*E-mail: eugenej@centratel.co.za
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