Hi I am running Lustre 1.8.1 on Scientific Linux with OFED 1.5. I have been running successfully for a few months, but experienced a serious crash yesterday. Following this, I am able to mount the mgs/mdt and the osts. But, whenever I now try to mount the lustre filesystem on the clients, I get a soft lockup CPU error. Any advice would be sincerely appreciated! Kindest regards! Fourie -- -------------- Prof Fourie Joubert Associate Professor Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Unit Department of Biochemistry University of Pretoria fourie.joubert at up.ac.za http://www.bi.up.ac.za Tel. +27-12-420-5802 Fax. +27-12-420-5800 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This message and attachments are subject to a disclaimer. Please refer to www.it.up.ac.za/documentation/governance/disclaimer/ for full details.