I do this to keep the Windows world separate from the Linux world.
available = yes
comment = Home Directory H:
path = /home/%u/Data
root preexec = mkdir -m 750 %H/Data;chown %u.%g %H/Data
browseable = yes
read only = no
writable = yes
vfs object = /usr/lib/recycle.so
vfs options = /etc/samba/recycle.conf
I hope this helps.
Mar?a Isabel L?pez S?nchez-Huete (marisa@ugr.es) wrote*:>
>Thank you for your rapid answer, Tiago, but I suppose I don't well
>explain my doubt.
>What I want is to share a subdirectory of home instead the home itself.
>In this manner, when a user try connect to his home directory, he really
>will connect with, by example, /home/user/subdir.
>I don't now if it's possible to do that in the [homes] section, or I
>must create a new different section for every user.
>Thanks again.
>Tiago Cruz wrote:
>> Hello Maria!
>> Yeah! See a example in /etc/samba/smb.conf:
>> ----------------------------------
>> [homes]
>> comment = Home Directories
>> read only = No
>> browseable = No
>> [2k]
>> comment = Programas 2K para teste em servidor Linux
>> path = /home/tiago/2k
>> public = yes
>> guest ok = Yes
>> writable = yes
>> force create mode = 777
>> force directory mode = 777
>> ------------------------------------
>> Regard's
>> Tiago Cruz
>> Em Qui, 2003-03-13 ?s 17:18, Mar?a Isabel L?pez S?nchez-Huete escreveu:
>>> Hi.
>>> Sorry: my level of english is not enough good. I hope you
>>>what I mean.
>>> My question is: it's possible to share a subdirectory (and only
>>>subdirectory for every user) in the section [homes]?
>>> The version of samba which i'm working is 2.2.7a, over Solaris
>>> Thanks in advance.
>> [ ]'s
>> Tiago Cruz
>> Org. King de Contab. S/C Ltda.
>> www.linuxrapido.kit.net
>> Linux User #282636
>Mar?a Isabel L?pez S?nchez-Huete
>Area de Sistemas de Apoyo a la Investigaci?n
>Campus de Fuentenueva (Edificio Mecenas)
>Universidad de Granada
>email: marisa@ugr.es
>Tlf: 958 242839