I am trying to set up a Win98 PC to print to a server running Samba
2.2.3a. The server has print drivers installed via cupsaddsmb, which
is just a wrapper around the rpcclient addprinter/adddriver/setdriver
functions. Calls to rpcclient's geprinter and getdriver functions
return valid data.
When I go to install the printer on the Windows 98 client, however,
things start out OK but soon go sour. I'll double-click on the
printer icon in Explorer (Navigate to \\ralph, double-click on
isdept). Windows pops up the add printer box, correctly does not ask
me for a driver. I click Finish and it appears to start copying. But
then it pops up a box:
The file '(lots of garbled text here)' on Network printer driver files
cannot be found.
Setup had trouble copying a file. Clock OK to try copying the file
again. If this message reappears, quit Setup and then try running
Setup again.
Copy files from: \\RALPH\PRINT$\WIN40\0
Now, this "lots of garbled text" does not represent a filename at
all. It looks something like: |S/+fu|+9|||L8 +p8 ++e +8||||1||
Clicking OK just brings the message back. Clicking Skip File brings
up a message saying:
This printer cannot be installed now because its driver (isdept.PPD)
could not be loaded. The driver or the INF file may be damaged.
Restart Windows, and then try again.
I have restarted Windows and tried again -- no go. The file
isdept.PPD does exist in /etc/samba/drivers/WIN40/0 (where PRINT$ maps
do), and I can mount \\RALPH\PRINT$ on this client machine and access
the file manually from there.
Any ideas?