Hi Everyone, when I first switched my users from a Win2K advanced server to samba I included the group of "Authenticated users" in the local group "Administrators" on all clients as a quick fix for the unexpected gotcha that all of a sudden after switching to samba no one had any privileges to change any of the optional properties of the Desktop, the Taskbar or the Explorer. The dialog boxes accept all changes as if it's perfectly legitimate and then nothing changes and nothing ever gets saved in the profile. Giving all domain users administrative privileges on clients they're currently logged on to is great. Everything works, people are conscientious about the awesome powers they've been granted, the hot-line calls are greatly reduced etc. etc. but the destructive potential, by genuine mistake or malicious intent, cannot be ignored. Unfortunately no other configuration I tested gives anything like usual Win user privileges. These additional groups: Everyone, Authenticaed Users, Anonymous Logins, Batch, Creators-Owners, Creators, Dialups, Interactives, Network Users, Services, Systems, can be added to these locally defined groups: Administrators, Users, Guests, Main Users, Replication Operators, Backup Operators, Debugger Users. Default Win2K configuration has Administrator and DOMAIN\Administrator in Administrators. Noone in Main Users and only <DOMAIN>\Domain Users in Users. However there is no explicit group "Domain Users" on the Linux Samba server, and even if I rechristen users into "Domain Users" it doesn't matter. I must be doing something trivially wrong. Can anyone help? Cheers Dragan PS: samba 2.2.7a PDC under SuSE 8.1 2.4.19-155 the group names are my free translation from German not necessarily identical to English terms _____________________________________________________________ Get 25MB, POP3, Spam Filtering with LYCOS MAIL PLUS for $19.95/year. http://login.mail.lycos.com/brandPage.shtml?pageId=plus&ref=lmtplus