Hi: I am experiencing the following problem: I have a Linux SAMBA server set up with a share containing the source code for my RH Linux 8.0 kernel, which is on another machine. I have no problems mounting or accessing the share on the RH client. The problem occurs when I run the 'make' command, on the mounted share, (which requires removing and re-setting a symbolic link 'include/asm') I get the following error message: ln: creating symbolic link 'asm' to 'asm-i386': Operation not permitted. I have check the smb.conf file on the server and verified the following parameters are set as indicated: Writable = yes Map system = yes Follow symlinks = yes Wide links = yes I have set the fmask and dmask to 0777 on the smbmount command when mounting the share, and the entry in /proc/mounts indicates that the share is mounted rw, with fmask and dmas both set to 0777. Would anyone have any ideas as to what might cause this error? Jess Long Systems Engineer Industry Standard Servers Software Delivery Linux PSP Development E-Mail <mailto:jesse.long@hp.com> Phone: 281.927.1276 Fax: 281.514.8058
On Fri, Dec 13, 2002 at 12:11:05PM -0600, Long, Jesse wrote:> ln: creating symbolic link 'asm' to 'asm-i386': Operation not permitted.If you're trying to create a symlink on a remote filesystem mounted via Samba/smbfs, it's not at all surprising that it would not work. Samba makes your UNIX machine look like a Windows server, and Windows has no concept of what a symbolic link is. The follow symlinks option allows people to browse through symlinks that you created on the server. If you're sharing from one UNIX machine to another, just use NFS. It's native to UNIX, so things like symlinks will work. -- Michael Heironimus