Dear All,
Please help on the following little creatures:
1. When I reboot, the system stays on 'send mail' for a long time. Was
not like that before. Why?
2. I have a Conexant modem card (internal) which works well with my other boot
on same machine (XP). The modem is on com 3. However, the linux shows me,
'sorry modem is busy' when I try to dial (I configured using KDE). Query
modem also fails with the same message. I didn't find any Unix\Linux drivers
on the CD that came with the modem, even though all the windows systems are
there. How could I verify whether or not this modem is supported by Linux?
3. My print job from the W XP, goes to the Linux and immediately is removed.
When I run lpq on the linux box, I can see an error saying "job removal
requested" .
Thanks in advance.
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