On Thu, 2002-11-21 at 10:02, Martin Rasp wrote:> Hi.
> I'm developing a command line tool (a GUI is following) for easily
> local directories as an unprivileged user.
> After adding shares smbd reloads its config file (via SIGHUP). Under
> new shares appear immediately. If removing a share, samba reloads the
> smb.conf but it has no effect on established connections. I can still
> access the share even though it has been removed.
I think this falls under the long-standing bug in our loadparm code. We
don't remove settings on SIGHUP, just change settings. There is no way
to forcibly disconnect shares at the moment, but you can set 'available
= no' to disable future access to shares that were in the smb.conf that
an smbd had read. (IE, don't remove the share, just add 'available
no' to each share). That will prevent *new* connections to that share
without disconnecting existing users.
Andrew Bartlett
Andrew Bartlett abartlet@pcug.org.au
Manager, Authentication Subsystems, Samba Team abartlet@samba.org
Student Network Administrator, Hawker College abartlet@hawkerc.net
http://samba.org http://build.samba.org http://hawkerc.net
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