Yes, it kind of sucks that it does not work correctly. I did the following kluge for now: I did the following: In /usr/sbin, I created a script called passwd: #!/bin/ksh trap "" 2 3 sudo mv /etc/nsswitch.conf /etc/nsswitch.conf.winbind sudo mv /etc/nsswitch.conf.nowinbind /etc/nsswitch.conf /usr/bin/passwd $1 sudo mv /etc/nsswitch.conf /etc/nsswitch.conf.nowinbind sudo mv /etc/nsswitch.conf.winbind /etc/nsswitch.conf trap 2 3 I created in /etc/: nsswitch.conf.winbind (has the winbind options) nsswitch.conf.nowinbind (does not have the winbind options) I installed sudo, and added the following in its configuration file: Cmnd_Alias SAMBAPASSWD = /usr/bin/mv /etc/nsswitch.conf /etc/nsswitch.conf.winbind, \ /usr/bin/mv /etc/nsswitch.conf.nowinbind /etc/nsswitch.conf, \ /usr/bin/mv /etc/nsswitch.conf /etc/nsswitch.conf.nowinbind, \ /usr/bin/mv /etc/nsswitch.conf.winbind /etc/nsswitch.conf ALL SERVERS = NOPASSWD: SAMBAPASSWD This allows users to change their passwords. -----Original Message----- From: [] Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2002 11:31 AM To: Subject: Solaris/Winbind Problems I noticed a couple of your newsgroups posts from back in March stating that you were having some issues getting the Solaris passwd command to work when you had winbind enabled. Were you able to solve this problem? I've been unabled to solve it. I called Sun for support and once they heard the magic word "Samba" they bailed and said "Not our problem." Any advice you have would be greatly appreciated. Eric L. Helvey ISS, Premise Support 913-534-7007