Good afternoon, After some days fully deicated to Samba implementation on two Dell PowerEdge servers running Red Hat 7.3, I finally get on my Windows 2000 workstation and Portable a network neighbouring windows with my two servers. I had backuped "My documents" sucessfully. The problem was coming from ipchains. Running the command ipchains - F (flushing all chains) make the smb running OK but opens a big hole in my security firewall (no rules!). "The monkey is now on other shoulder", ipchains configuration. Congratulation for fine job done with Samba. -- C========================================================C Raymond GIMILIO, Ing?nieur de recherches CNRS BIO-Informatique et S?curit? des Syst?mes d'Information Centre CNRS-INSERM de Pharmaco-Endocrinlogie (CCIPE) 141, avenue de la Cardonille - 34094 Montpellier Cedex 5 Tel. : 04- - Fax : 04- I==========================P=============================E