Greetings, I have spent over a month of my evenings working on this. I am indeed a Samba newbie. Version of Linux: Red Hat 7.2 with latest RPM's from RedHat ftp site on a minimal custom Red Hat install with bastille_linux installed. (tmp defense removed as it was interfering with samba using the tmp directory) I have tried this with bastille stopped and running with no change) Samba RPM version 2.2.5. (what have I missed so far?) A link to my log files running in Debug Level 10 is here: and the Error Message from Windows is here: 0Error.gif The smb.conf file is here: I renamed each of the four with a 'txt' suffix so you can just click and read. (I hope!) To create the log(s) I deleted all logs, then restarted the daemon, (service smb restart) then in Windows tried to add a driver using the add printer wizard by navigating to the samba server in network neighborhood, double clicking on the printers folder, (It already showed the printer as being present since I installed it under Linux and then using SWAT) and then right clicking on the background. I then left clicked on 'Server Properties' selected the 'Drivers' tab, selected the printer, and let it run. All files acted as if they were being transferred until the very end when I received a popup modal error message stating: If their is any thing else I can provide please let me know. I even bought a book on Samba, selecting the one with the most current copyright (2002) but seems to be out of date with the changes in 2.2.5. I would be very interested in any resource that is very specific on what to do, and how to troubleshoot on Samba print servers. Thanks to anyone who takes a moment to assist. I also tried Imprints, but the on Imprints server that was up when I tried, only listed HP printers. (20 of them) ./ --query '*' I am open to anything that will make samba print servers a reality. (driver must be downloadable from the server) Thank you. Bruce Meyer