Dear all.
Since English is the primary language of this list, I'll try
to do a rough translation from French. Maybe, someone is
able to help Willy.
Please excuse any possible mistakes. I'm a native German
speaking person.
Maybe someone (en-fr, canadien, mybe?) would like to have a
quick look at my translation (fr-de-en). I'm almost sure that
there will be mistakes.
My French ain't that good, anymore... :-(
Kind regards,
@ Willy:
OBTW: From all that I know about samba, you're quite right, here.
If you should have further questions regarding this topic, please
try to write in English.
--- 8< --- --- 8< ---
Willy Akenade wrote:
> A monsieur Andrew
Attn: Mr. Andrew
> Je suis ?tudiant en fin de cycle de formation en
> infomatique ? l'institut Africain d'informatique de
> Libreville.
I'm a student of computer science at the african institute of
CS of Libreville, close to the end of my studies.
> J'?tais sur vos sites et je suis persuad?s
> que vous ?tes la personne la bien plac?e pour
> m'orienter et m'aider sur un sujet concernant
> "l'authentification linux des sessions windows".
I've been to your websites and I'm convinced that you are
the person which is most suitable for addressing and helping
me on a subject regarding "authenticating linux against
windows sessions".
(or maybe, it's just the other way 'round, I'm not so sure at
this point, translator's remark)
> Ainsi on me demande de concevoir et de mettre en oeuvre un
> syst?me permettant aux utilisateurs windows d'avoir acc?s
> aux ressorces linux et que les utilisateurs linux puissent
> aussi avoir acc?s aux ressources windows.
Furthermore, one asked me to design and implement a system
which permits windows-based computers to have access to
the ressources of linux and linux-based computers to have
acces to windows-ressources.
> Mis avant tout ceux-ci doivent ?tre authentifier par un contr?leur
> principal de domaine qui est donc une machine linux.
Above all, this must authenticate against a PDC, which is on
a linux-machine.
> Si avec samba cela n'est pas possible,proposez-moi les
> outils qui peuvent m'aider pour resoudre mon probl?me
If this ain't possible with samba, please propose tools which
can help me to solve my problem.
> Je suis vraiment accabl? et je suis bloqu? au niveau
> de la proposition des solutions.
I'm really downcast and I'm blocked (stuck?) at the level of
proposing any solutions.
> repondez-moi s'il vous plait.
Please answer me.