Hi samba guys, I'm useing samba 2.2.3a (XFS/Linux W2k), and I found inconsisten behavior responsed to default ACL. The test is: 1> Create a direcotry named "share" from linux local. 2> Add default ACL to "share". 3> Touch new file "flinux"/make new directory "dlinux" under "share" from linux local. 4> Create new file "fwin"/make new directory "dwin" under "share" from client (W2k). 5> Check the ACL of "flinux"/"fwin" and "dlinux"/"dwin", they are different. It seems that "fwin" "dwin" follow the "force create mask/create mode" in smb.conf. Is it a BUG? I noticed that In the release notes of 2.2.4, you said that there would be a new parameter named "inherit acl" in smb.conf. If it's added for default ACL? Thanks a lot. John