Greetings ... Something that really got me confused for a long day ... I used the add user option that was post onto one of the mail list, which lets a Computer Join the domain. Now I used this in one setup and it work perfect. Now a few months down the line ( last few days ), I tried the same scripts and the damed thing would not ( had me stumped ) ... Now I know that I had forgoten to create the machine group which we used and once fixed it was not a problem any more. What my request is, could we not return an error in the logs when the/any scripts fail, it would make life eaier to fix problems. I don't know if turning up the log levels might have helps find this problem, but I think that if something fails, it should be reported, but that is the dev's team choice. Mailed Lee P.S. Keep up the great work guys. P.S.S. As a responce to one of the dev teams state that he likes to hear that things are working ... well, there are alot of Samba things that are working excellently. Thanks Team!! :-)