Hi, is this true? Could anyone give countenance to this?! (i didn't have time/possibility to install/configure Samba 2.2.4 properly, so ain't got no chance to try it) Is there any news about when will Samba 2.2.4 be debianzed? THX Zsigmond> > I'd like to log the number of pages beeing printed from a host. > > > I haven't actually tried them but 2 new macros were added to the > 2.2.4 code > "%z", job_size > "%c", job_page_count
On Sat, 4 May 2002, P.Toth Zsigmond wrote:> Is there any news about when will Samba 2.2.4 be debianzed?See packaging/Debian and you can build you own. Eloy and Steve are working on the 2.2.4 *.deb to be made available soon I think. cheers, jerry --------------------------------------------------------------------- Hewlett-Packard http://www.hp.com SAMBA Team http://www.samba.org -- http://www.plainjoe.org "Sam's Teach Yourself Samba in 24 Hours" 2ed. ISBN 0-672-32269-2 --"I never saved anything for the swim back." Ethan Hawk in Gattaca--