Hi samba list.
We have installed two unix machines running samba 2.2.2. Also, we have a NT
server with an nt domain.
Both samba servers belongs to TESTGROUP (we don't want to put samba into a
nt domain). The things works fine, until we include two pc-clients into the same
group. Those pcs cannot browse the network, also, they cannot see itself.
The problem was solved when we include those pcs into dns. Not all machines
(unix and pcs) are included in dns list.
But suddenly, the pcs into TESTGROUP cannot browse the net. We need to
restart both samba to solve the problem. Then, after 1 or two hours, all pcs
cannot browse the net again (and need to restart samba, and so on). We can reach
samba machines and other pc's using the "searching" option from
windows explorer (so, it's better than the first situation)
All the configurations is ok, ping and all tests of diagnosis.txt works
fine, but the browsing capability is lost from all pcs. No error messages are
found in nmdb or smdb log. We use Windows NT and Windows 2k for pcs.
Any suggestion?
Thanks in advance.
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