Thanks to those who wrote and suggested I remove NetBEUI from my Win95 machines.
Here's the next chapter in the story:
First, based on another suggestion, I tried "netstat -a" on the Win95
machine "secretary". It didn't show any kind of traffic on ports
137-139 (even though files WERE being shared at the time).
Next, I tried removing NetBEUI from "secretary", leaving only TCP/IP
bound to the NIC. The box in the TCP/IP->NIC window under NetBIOS that says
"I want to enable NetBIOS over TCP/IP" is grayed out, but it IS
MS Client and File/Print sharing were still installed, and both were bound to
TCP/IP, which was bound to the NIC.
However, once I removed NetBEUI and rebooted, I could no longer see any
computers under Network Neighborhood. When I tried to do a "NET USE *
\\somemachine\someshare" in DOS, it gave me this error: "You must log
on before performing this operation."
Now the Win95 login box DOES still pop up when I boot the computer, and I'm
still using "Client For MS Networks" as my Primary Network Logon. Yet
my local file/print sharing connection were gone.
The only way I could once again see the other Win95 machines on the LAN was to
reinstall NetBEUI.
Does that mean NetBIOS isn't being shared over TCP/IP after all? Why not?
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