I am attempting to install 2.0.7 on an Alpha running Tru-64 Unix
I extracted the files and ran ./configure
I noted no errors so I ran make
Again I noted no errors (I assume they would be evident)
I then ran make install - no errors
I got a huge cup of coffee, then edited the smb.conf and placed it in the
/usr/local/samba/lib directory. I created the log directory in
I am able to run the testparm against my smb.conf, but only if I am at the
dir that testparm resides in and path to smb.conf.
I appear to have a path problem because I am not able to view man pages, or
issue any comands.
I read the DIAGNOSIS.txt file and completed step 1 as I mentioned.
Step two passed, I can ping my hosts and pc.
Step 3 failed but (at this point) only because the command smbclient is not
I hope that someone can provide some light on this for me.
John Joehnk
Scroll Technologies