Ming Zhao
2011-Apr-27 01:44 UTC
ICAC2011 Call For Participation (8th IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing)
********************************************************************** CALL FOR PARTICIPATION ===================== The 8th IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing Karlsruhe, Germany June 14-18, 2011 icac2011.cis.fiu.edu Sponsored by ACM ********************************************************************** Don't miss Jeff Kephart's keynote talk at ICAC 2011 on "Autonomic Computing: The First Decade" and benefit from early registration! Online registration is open at icac2011.cis.fiu.edu/registration.shtm. Reduced fees are available for those registering by May 1, 2011. Two keynotes by Jeff Kephart and Christian Muller-Schloer will wrap-up a decade of Autonomic Computing and of the related area of Organic Computing and outline some directions and challenges for future research. Five attractive workshops are complementing the program, details are at icac2011.cis.fiu.edu and in the attached Call for Participation. Looking forward to meeting you at ICAC 2011 in Karlsruhe Hartmut Schmeck (General Chair of ICAC 2011) This year's program includes: - 20 outstanding research papers and 7 short papers - Poster, demo, and industry presentations - 5 workshops - 2 distinguished keynotes Please join us for the 8th ICAC in Karlsruhe, Germany, on June 14-18, 2011. The conference is held at the AkademieHotel Karlsruhe. More information can be found at: icac2011.cis.fiu.edu ********************************************************************** IMPORTANT DATES ============== Early registration deadline: May 1, 2011 Hotel special rate deadline: May 1, 2011 ********************************************************************** CORPORATE SPONSORS ================= Gold Level Partner: IBM Conference partner: Google Further supporters: Microsoft, 1&1, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, University of Arizona, and TechnologieRegion Karlsruhe. ********************************************************************** PRELIMINARY PROGRAM ================== MONDAY, JUNE 13, 2011 4:00PM - 7:00PM Registration ===================================================================== TUESDAY, JUNE 14, 2011 - WORKSHOPS FeBID 2011 BADS 2011 ACE 2011 ===================================================================== WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15, 2011 - MAIN CONFERENCE 9:00AM Welcome addresses 9:15AM - 10:30AM Session 1: Keynote Talk 9:15AM Autonomic Computing: The First Decade Jeff Kephart (IBM Thomas Watson Research Center) 10:30AM Coffee break 11:00AM - 12:00PM Session 2: Multicore Systems 11:00AM Applying Autonomic Principles for Workload Management in Multi-Core Systems on Chip Johannes Zeppenfeld; Andreas Herkersdorf 11:30AM Smart Data Structures: A Reinforcement Learning Approach to Multicore Data Structures Jonathan Eastep; David Wingate; Anant Agarwal 12:00PM Lunch ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1:30PM - 3:00PM Session 3: Power Management 1:30PM How Much Power Oversubscription is Safe and Allowed in Data Centers? Xing Fu; Xiaorui Wang; Charles Lefurgy 2:00PM Memory Power Management via Dynamic Voltage/Frequency Scaling Howard David; Chris Fallin; Eugene Gorbatov; Ulf R. Hanebutte; Onur Mutlu 2:30PM iPOEM: A GPS Tool for Integrated Management in Virtualized Data Centers Hui Zhang; Kenji Yoshihira; Ya-Yunn Su; Guofei Jiang; Ming Chen; Xiaorui Wang 3:00PM Coffee break 3:30PM - 5:00PM Session 4: Distributed Systems 3:30PM A Self-Organizing P2P System with Multi-Dimensional Structure Raffaele Giordanelli; Carlo Mastroianni; Michela Meo 4:00PM SILENCE: Distributed Adaptive Sampling for Sensor-based Autonomic Systems Eun Kyung Lee; Hariharasudhan Viswanathan; Dario Pompili 4:30PM Budget-Constrained Bulk Data Transfer via Internet and Shipping Networks Brian Cho; Indranil Gupta 5:00PM Reception ===================================================================== THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 2011 - MAIN CONFERENCE 9:15AM Sponsoring addresses 9:30AM - 10:30AM Session 5: Testing and Diagnostics 9:30AM Toward Data Center Self-Diagnosis Using a Mobile Robot Jon Lenchner; Canturk Isci; Jeffrey Kephart; Christopher Mansley; Jonathan Connell; Suzanne McIntosh 10:00AM Model-based Performance Testing Cornel Barna; Marin Litoiu; Hamoun Ghanbari 10:30AM Coffee break 11:00AM - 12:00PM Session 6: Malware Detection and Clean-up 11:00AM Inoculation against malware infection using kernel-level software sensors Raymond Canzanese; Spiros Mancoridis; Moshe Kam 11:30AM Automatically Clean Up Malware Impacts When Committing OS-level Virtual Machines Zhiyong Shan; Xin Wang; Tzi-cker Chiueh 12:00PM Lunch ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1:30PM - 3:30PM Session 7: Performance Modeling and Profiling 1:30PM A Bayesian Approach to Online Performance Modeling for Database Appliances using Gaussian Models Muhammad Bilal Sheikh; Umar Farooq Minhas; Omar Zia Khan; Ashraf Aboulnaga; Pascal Poupart; David J Taylor 2:00PM Automated Control for Elastic n-Tier Workloads based on Empirical Modeling Simon Malkowski; Markus Hedwig; Jack Li; Calton Pu; Dirk Neumann 2:30PM A Flexible Architecture Integrating Monitoring and Analytics for Managing Large-Scale Data Centers Chengwei Wang; Karsten Schwan; Vanish Talwar; Greg Eisenhauer; Liting Hu; Matthew Wolf 3:00PM Untangling Mixed Information to Calibrate Resource Utilization in Virtual Machines Lei Lu; Hui Zhang; Guofei Jiang; Haifeng Chen; Kenji Yoshihira; Evgenia Smirni 3:30PM Coffee break 3:30PM - 6:00PM Session 8: Poster and Demo Session 6:00PM Departure for conference banquet 7:00PM Conference banquet ===================================================================== FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 2011 - MAIN CONFERENCE 9:00AM Sponsoring addresses 9:15AM - 10:30AM Session 9: Keynote Talk 9:15AM Organic Computing: Quo Vadis? Christian Muller-Schloer (Leibniz University Hannover) 10:30AM Coffee break 11:00AM - 12:30PM Session 10: Short Paper Session 11:00AM Self-Adaptive Software System Monitoring for Performance Anomaly Localization Jens Ehlers; Andre van Hoorn; Jan Waller; Wilhelm Hasselbring Decision Making in Autonomic Computing Systems: Comparison of Different Approaches and Techniques Martina Maggio; Henry Hoffmann; Marco D. Santambrogio; Anant Agarwal; Alberto Leva Using Reinforcement Learning for Controlling an Elastic Web Application Hosting Platform Han Li; Srikumar Venugopal Bootstrapped Migration for Linux OS Jui-Hao Chiang; Maohua Lu; Tzi-cker Chiueh Autonomous Multi-Processor--SoC Optimization with Distributed Learning Classifier Systems XCS Andreas Bernauer; Gunnar Arndt; Oliver Bringmann; Wolfgang Rosenstiel A Control Theory Based Approach for Self-Healing of Un-handled Runtime Exceptions Benoit Gaudin; Emil Vassev; Michael Hinchey; Patrick Nixon Clustering Performance Anomalies in Web Applications Based on Root Causes Satoshi Iwata; Kenji Kono 12:30PM Lunch ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2:00PM - 4:00PM Session 11: Resource Management 2:00PM A Multi-objective Approach to Virtual Machine Management in Datacenters Jing Xu; Jose Fortes 2:30PM ARIA: Automatic Resource Inference and Allocation for MapReduce Environments Abhishek Verma; Ludmila Cherkasova; Roy Campbell 3:00PM Maestro: Quality-of-Service in Large Disk Arrays Arif Merchant; Mustafa Uysal; Pradeep Padala; Xiaoyun Zhu; Sharad Singhal; Kang Shin 3:30PM Enhancing Virtualized Application Performance Through Dynamic Adaptive Paging Mode Selection Chang Bae; John Lange; Peter Dinda 4:00PM Coffee break and Adjourn ===================================================================== SATURDAY, JUNE 18, 2011 - WORKSHOPS OC 2011 IEEMC 2011 ********************************************************************** Organizing Committee =================== GENERAL CO-CHAIRS: Hartmut Schmeck (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany) Wolfgang Rosenstiel (University of Tuebingen, Germany) STEERING COMMITTE: Salim Hariri (Co-Chair, University of Arizona, USA) Jeffrey Kephart (Co-chair, IBM Research, USA) Manish Parashar (Rutgers University, USA) Karsten Schwan (Georgia Tec, USA) Emre Kiciman (Microsoft Research, USA) Renato Figueiredo (University of Florida, USA) John Wilkes (Google, USA) Sandra Tipton (IBM, USA) PROGRAM CO-CHAIRS: Joseph Hellerstein (Google, USA) Tarek Abdelzaher (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA) WORKSHOP CHAIR: Tom Holvoet (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium) POSTER/DEMO/EXHIBIT CHAIR: Michael Beigl (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany) PUBLICITY CO-CHAIRS: Ming Zhao (Florida International University, USA) LOCAL ARRANGEMENTS CHAIR: Lei Liu (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany) Friederike Pfeiffer (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany) INDUSTRY CHAIR: Eno Thereska (Microsoft Research, UK) PROGRAM COMMITTEE: Michael Beigl (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany) Umesh Bellur (Indian Institutes of Technology, India) Fabian Bustamante (Northwestern University, USA) Lucy Cherkasova (HP Labs, USA) Chita Das (Penn State University, USA) Yixin Diao (IBM Research, USA) Raghu Ganti (IBM Research, USA) Indranil Gupta (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA) David Hutchison (Lancaster University, UK) Ravi Iyer (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA) Vana Kalogeraki (Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece) Jeff Kephart (IBM, USA) Emre Kiciman (Microsoft Research, USA) Charles Lefurgy (IBM Research, USA) Yunhao Liu (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, HK) Pedro Marron (Duisburg, Germany) Milan Milenkovic (Intel, US) Dejan Milojicic (HP Labs, USA) Priya Narasimhan (Carnegie Mellon University, USA) Manish Parashar (Rutgers University, USA) Ana Radovanovic (Google, USA) Anders Robertsson (Lund, Sweden) Masoud Sadjadi (Florida International University, USA) Karsten Schwan (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA) Onn Shehory (IBM Haifa Research Lab, Israel) Prashant Shenoy (University of Massachusetts, USA) Sharad Singhal (HP Labs, USA) Mani Srivastava (University of California, Los Angeles, USA) Neeraj Suri (Technische University Darmstadt, Germany) Eno Thereska (Microsoft Research, UK) Thiemo Voigt (Swedish Institute of Computer Science, Sweden) Adam Wolisz (Technische University Berlin, Germany) Dongyan Xu (Purdue University, USA) Xiaoyun Zhu (VMware, USA) ADDITIONAL REVIEWERS: Paul Alcock Azman Ali Radovan Bruncak Daniel Chen Yuan Chen Xabriel J. Collazo-Mojica Javier Delgado Ciprian Docan Daniel Gmach Ajay Gulati Gabriela Jacques da Silva Matthew Jakeman Hyunjoo Kim Solomon Lasluisa Andreas Louca Angelos Marnerides Asit K Mishra Philip P. Moltmann Nithin M. Nakka Antonio Pecchia Cuong Pham Andres Quiroz Junghwan Rhee Ivan Rodero Alberto Egon Schaeffer Filho Steven Simpson Paul Smith David Villegas Wade Vinson Zhikui Wang Joel Wolf Keun Soo Yim Fan Zhang **********************************************************************
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