Hello, I am running Samba 1.9.18p10 using Linux 2.0.36 and Samba is configured as a WINS server. It's working fine but there are some questions remaining: the first one is: - when somebody who was connected to the network turns of his computer he will still stay in the browselist for about 30 minutes. I was wondering if there is a way to shorten this time. The wins.dat file is not containing this name anymore but the browse.dat file does. the second and last questing (for now) is: - if i turn on packet logging i get these weird warnings. The problem is that i don't recognize the ip-adresses it's sending from, we are not connected to the internet all the time and the 7 computers on the network i configured myself and their ip-adresses are 192.168.1.* (int-in means packages comming in on interface eth0). Jun 10 00:03:42 joaster kernel: Packet log: int-in DENY eth0 PROTO=17 L=328 S=0x00 I=768 F=0x0000 T=128 Jun 10 00:06:22 joaster kernel: Packet log: int-in DENY eth0 PROTO=17 L=78 S=0x00 I=18688 F=0x0000 T=128 Jun 10 00:06:51 joaster kernel: Packet log: int-in DENY eth0 PROTO=17 L=237 S=0x00 I=18944 F=0x0000 T=128 Is there anybody who can tell me what ip-adresses, protocols and portnumbers Samba is using and for what reason. I have tried to find this information myself but i never got it. I hope somebody can give me some answers, greetings Joost Havers.