Hi. I followed the advises from yours but I still can't do
tcp/ip from wfw when booting diskless.
I was told to run the wsahdapp.exe file, but when I do
it windows tells me :
winsock api
Instalation Error
The DOS sockets TSR is not loaded
and of course when I try to run netscape it tells me:
Netscape was unable to create a network socket connection
There may be insufficient system resources or the
network may be down.
>From DOS I can do ping and use smb shares.
I installed the dos lanman client that came with NT.
Another question : I only receive the digests though
I checked the listproc and I'm subscribed to samba, why ?
^-^.-----, mailto:frankie@etsetb.upc.es
o o _ ) etsetb.upc.es/~frankie
Y (_, (__(Ssss