On 16 Dec 1997, Mark Evans wrote:
> How do get information on domain logins shown
> in the log files, currently all I am getting is
> showing of the netlogon share being opened and
> closed.
see ipc.c:
in the NetWkstaUserLogon and / or NetWkstaGetInfo functions, decrease the
levels of the DEBUG statements, or add your own.
> Whereas it would be usefull to have
> successful and unsucessful attempts logged.
ur... except using DCE/RPC in the nt domain version and therefore with nt
workstations only, you don't _have_ the concept of successful or
unsuccessful "logins"! you certainly don't have the concept of a
"logout": you can only tell a Win95 client its profile details
> Also I would like to have smbstatus show
> where a domain login is present. How easy
> is it to add this to the display.
i will be adding something vaguely like this to the version currently in
> Specifically
> how is smbstatus getting the information.
through locking.c, which has a higher order function table. one of the
things that can be done is to enumerate through the open files and open
sessions, regardless of whether you are doing FAST_SHARE_MODES
(locking_shm.c) or the old slow file-based share modes (locking_slow.c)
> By some sort of interprocess communication
> with the smbd processes?
i'm just having to look at this, to be able to imlement "remote"
smbstatus commands in smbclient.
<a href="mailto:lkcl@switchboard.net" > Luke Kenneth Casson
Leighton </a>
<a href="http://mailhost.cb1.com/~lkcl"> Samba Consultancy and
Support </a>