On 08/07/2009, at 1:05 PM, Tom Lanyon wrote:
> Hi list,
> Sorry for the exclude question... but I have been trying for hours
> to get this to work and am utterly baffled.
> I'm performing an archive transfer between hosts and wish to include
> anything in any directory named 'debug' or 'drpms' at any
depth. I
> assumed this would be as simple as --exclude 'debug/***' --exclude
> 'drpms/***' but I still get files retrieved.
> Full option list is:
> rsync -aHi --no-o --delay-updates --delete --delete-excluded --
> delete-after --exclude 'drpms/***' --exclude 'debug/***'
> bar/ /local/bar
> ... and files like these are still retrieved:
> .d..t.... debug/
> >f+++++++ debug/AGReader-debuginfo-1.2-5.fc10.x86_64.rpm
> I've tried many many alternative exclude patterns, tried increasing
> the debugging level to try and work out how they're still matched
> and I haven't had any success. Any help very much appreciated.
> Please include me on any replies as I'm not subscribed to this list.
> Regards,
> Tom
Sorry to pick this up again - wondering if anyone has any ideas or can
suggest a way to debug this problem? No one on the #rsync IRC channel
is able to explain this either...