rspec users - Feb 2009

Saturday February 28 2009
9:29PM 8 Rspecing an enumerator from outside-in woes
8:59PM 3 cucumber ambiguous match
8:04PM 6 testing multiple sessions in cucumber/webrat
7:59PM 3 [RSpec] [Rails] [BDD]
5:52PM 32 [rails] An authorization question
10:45AM 7 be_valid (validates_format_of ..., :on => :create)
Friday February 27 2009
9:35PM 2 Cucumber and selenium grid
8:35PM 5 How do you mock a local variable (#2) ?
4:14PM 11 (no subject)
3:46PM 2 Cucumber status
Thursday February 26 2009
10:41PM 0 New blog for Ruby-based software testers -
10:10PM 1 [cucumber] Adding a file to support/ can break requires ordering
8:43PM 1 How do you mock a local variable ?
6:57PM 3 A silent cucumber?
6:19PM 9 Run cucumber on a different DB than test?
4:01PM 4 [RSpec][RJS] Problem with specing create.rjs in controller_spec
3:33PM 11 Cucumber for large projects
3:49AM 2 [Cucumber] Webrat / Watir - generating page images
Wednesday February 25 2009
11:47PM 3 [cucumber] orphaned steps
11:03PM 5 [cucumber] noob Q deleteing from a list.
10:50PM 4 wrong number of arguments (2 for 1)
7:24PM 10 RSpec with edge rails (2.3 RC1)
4:27PM 5 [Cucumber] pretty html output?
4:10PM 3 Surprised by stub/mock interaction
10:52AM 4 [Cucumber] Enforce a skip on a non-implemented step
10:13AM 2 How to properly mock a complex object ""?
7:57AM 8 Testing User Agent
Tuesday February 24 2009
11:47PM 0 Fixjour mailing list
12:10AM 0 A nice general purpose step definition for adding/finding activerecord records
Monday February 23 2009
11:12AM 2 [cucumber ]Missing lettersm ''a'' mafter rake features
Sunday February 22 2009
8:34PM 5 send_file testing
7:47PM 51 [cucumber] Cucumber and CI
3:37PM 0 Cucumber now runs Webrat and Celerity together
10:23AM 4 Culerity Error while running feature.
1:29AM 3 [Cucumber] host!
Saturday February 21 2009
3:28PM 1 [OT] Googled for ''cucumber page caching''
11:31AM 6 Mocking base class methods
Friday February 20 2009
10:45PM 6 specing send_file
7:20PM 0 [~OT] Celerity LinkedIn group
6:34PM 4 [RSpec][OT] have autospec just run changed files
5:09PM 21 Cucumber Feature Scenario critique
4:17PM 6 How to mock an object defined in the before_filter function?
12:15PM 6 Autotest won''t pickup any tests
10:24AM 0 Rspec and autotest for standalone projects
Thursday February 19 2009
8:54PM 12 Mocking / stubbing errors for ActiveRecord
6:34PM 1 ActiveRecord::Base.should_receive(:find) fails
3:49PM 3 Cucumber 0.2 final release date?
7:46AM 1 [Cucumber] Hi-res logo?
6:56AM 5 rspec-1.2 release candidate
3:36AM 1 Setting Request Body (in stories in particular)
Wednesday February 18 2009
7:02PM 13 Cucumber + Webrat + Selenium + ActionMailer
9:43AM 1 New Google Groups for Vim and Ruby/Rails Developers
12:04AM 39 validate_presence_of
Tuesday February 17 2009
8:27PM 5 [Cucumber] Level of features / Feature dependent steps
Monday February 16 2009
10:17PM 5 [Cucumber, rspec-rails] uninitialized constant ActionController::UrlEncodedPairParser
10:07PM 0 [Cucumber] 0 scenarios running "dirty" features in Autotest
7:48PM 2 [RSpec] #and_raise
6:39AM 9 Sinitra and Cucumber
1:18AM 0 Merb Mind Maps - a tutorial on RSpec, GraphViz & a little Merb
Sunday February 15 2009
10:19PM 2 [cucumber] can''t use ''visit'' except with `rake features`
7:21PM 7 cucumber hooks BeforeAll and AfterAll
12:09PM 2 Celerity and Webrat (using them together, Benchmarks, same API?)
Saturday February 14 2009
8:47PM 4 [Cucumber] Portuguese keywords not recognized
3:30AM 0 Rspec Mentor or Paid Tutor Needed (near LA or remotely)
Friday February 13 2009
11:20PM 1 What rescue hooks
9:16PM 1 the latest rspec clone
1:44PM 6 [Cucumber] ssl requirement
12:16PM 2 [Cucumber] Http Post just returns status code and not Response-object
10:47AM 6 [Cucumber] running `cucumber` without a gem
7:45AM 2 [cucumber][v0.2alpha]Where could I find API docs for custom formatters?
Thursday February 12 2009
7:03PM 10 Is #valid? automatically called?
6:30PM 1 [RSpec] mock_model not returning a mock
12:01PM 2 Sorry if this is a stupid question
Wednesday February 11 2009
1:51PM 30 Rspec approach to test model
9:38AM 2 Best way of writing fetaures for a wizard
2:43AM 4 Cucumber - How to enable a disabled field
1:10AM 2 [cucumber] [alpha] The Backgrounder is run without cleaning up
Tuesday February 10 2009
9:30PM 0 IRC rooms are now logged
8:02PM 9 issues with the trunk of rspec-rails
7:10PM 0 RSpec testing AR results
3:27PM 3 Using cucumber profiles with rake task
2:54PM 3 Weird message on ActiveSupport::Callbacks::CallbackChain:Class
Monday February 9 2009
3:12PM 3 RSpec Testing ActiveRecord config dependency.
1:35AM 16 how can this pass?
Sunday February 8 2009
11:48PM 16 exemplary way to show a list is sorted?
10:54PM 0 [OT] RSpec on MSDN
12:48PM 3 How to return a value passed by ref to a method
Saturday February 7 2009
5:30PM 6 [RSpec] Setting a gem dep on rspec-rails
4:29PM 2 testing out cucumber scenario outline feature
11:47AM 5 How to spec within a block?
11:16AM 7 Speccing the format portion of a controller
6:06AM 1 How to write test cases in rcov
Friday February 6 2009
9:12PM 1 How to test the code inside the block of the to_xml function?
5:12PM 6 RecordNotFound bubbling thru to cucumber
3:41PM 2 Is RSpec Ruby1.9 ready?
10:37AM 7 Fixjour and others
Thursday February 5 2009
11:43PM 2 [Cucumber] Progress Bar
8:25PM 3 Bizarre problem with Rake / Rcov
7:13PM 7 redirects while using subdomains not working in 4.1
4:05PM 1 [rspec] [rails] Specing a form builder
9:38AM 3 [Cucumber, Webrat] Error backtraces shown as HTML in console
5:05AM 25 [OT] Jay Fields'' blog on developer testing
1:42AM 2 MyModel.stub!l works in 1.1.11 but fails in 1.1.12
Wednesday February 4 2009
6:49PM 2 Can cucumber/webrat set a value on a hidden field
6:21PM 8 Cucumber/Webrat fails to find fields when run after specs
9:07AM 6 [Rspec] How do you nest before(:all) or after(:all) blocks?
1:52AM 3 have_tag with a block
Tuesday February 3 2009
10:20PM 0 rspec and shoulda, together again at last
8:00PM 3 Rcov - Specifying rake tasks
6:49PM 12 Cucumber - but really ruby
5:42PM 2 [Cucumber] How Do You Use Cucumber?
5:08PM 1 Rcov rake task problems
8:30AM 2 [Cucumber] 0.1.99.x parse errors
Monday February 2 2009
9:30PM 12 [RSpec] rcov and/or rexml bug?
6:00PM 7 [Cucumber] --dry-run
4:30PM 2 [RSpec] Cannot save or be_valid when using xss_terminate
1:24PM 2 [Cucumber] and rake pass command-line params
11:05AM 5 [Cucumber] Cucumber and acts_as_xapian
Sunday February 1 2009
3:50PM 8 undefined method `inherit'' for Merb::Test::ExampleGroup
12:06AM 8 resource urls only work *after* a get() in controller spec