Isn''t the mail gem part of rails 3.2.8?
In my code, I put require ''mail''
Mail.defaults do
retriever_method :pop3,
address: "",
port: 995,
user_name: ''xxx'',
password: ''xxx'',
enable_ssl: true
My email is:
email = Mail.first
I then can access some methods: "Subject: " + email.subject unless
email.subject.nil? "From: " + email.from[0] unless "To: " +[0] "Body: " + email.body.decoded
I would like to know where can get some documentation on all the available
methods I can use.
The mail is in my pop3 account. How do I delete it off my pop3 account?
I also have questions on how to get attachments from my email... but maybe
things will be clear when I find out how to find the proper documentation.
On Saturday, October 6, 2012 4:05:47 PM UTC-7, Jordon Bedwell wrote:
> That really depends on the library (gem) you used, the method you
> store it as and most importantly where you stored it at. Since
> not a system account (I''m assuming) it''s not going to
store it in
> system mail unless the gem is absolutely ignorant so you would have
> had to of told it where and how to store it (the how is subjective
> though because you could have stored it as another type of flat file,
> mbox or maildir or even just kept it in memory long enough to parse it
> into a db.)
> Figure out where you stored it and go from there.
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