Rails - Nov 2011

Wednesday November 30 2011
11:47PM 4 How to use a local copy of rails in a rails application
10:31PM 5 routes matching different path for different users.
7:26PM 2 bundle exec fail
6:58PM 3 How to guarantee data integrity for concurrent Rails/Active Record operations
6:29PM 2 Problem with openUri HTTPError
11:41AM 6 I am not able to access application in the browser...
10:56AM 3 Anyone have experience writing custom Rails generators? Do you test them?
9:00AM 3 client name embedded in the url (not subdomains)
6:27AM 0 Action Profiler
5:53AM 1 MS Access integration with Rails through conversion to (Postgres or MySQL) xor direct interaction
Tuesday November 29 2011
9:12PM 0 rake doc:rails aborts due to denied permission
7:11PM 1 ajax question
6:33PM 7 gem for storing and tracking changes
6:29PM 1 Some advice to choose framework for a web application
6:18PM 1 ruby 1.9.2 + csv
6:05PM 2 How can I mock the twitter gem?
5:37PM 2 validations and hashes
3:17PM 1 Graceful degradation/progressive enhancement for ActionMailer templates?
2:41PM 0 Run initializer code only on "rails server"
1:21PM 0 The requested URL could not be retrieved
1:04PM 2 image with Content-Type: text/html;
10:30AM 13 Unable to Get the Data from SQLite.
7:04AM 1 Error in ROR App
Monday November 28 2011
9:31PM 0 strange behavior database register rails 3 app
8:30PM 0 Software Developer (Ruby, Rails, Sinatra), Full Time Position, Phoenix, AZ
4:07PM 0 get json from resetting password in devise
3:52PM 4 Routing Problem
3:37PM 7 Needs rails developer for a great opportunity!
1:23PM 1 Storing Historical Access Data
11:28AM 9 Creating Models from Scema.rb Possible?, I have 50 tables
9:18AM 9 CSS Problem.
7:01AM 1 ActiveRecord Inheritance
5:31AM 2 how to import default js file in rails 3.1
2:27AM 16 Update model without primary key
1:11AM 4 getting a subdomain name in model.
Sunday November 27 2011
9:27PM 10 one_to_many relationship, auto update?
6:26PM 3 How do I get autotest to work?
1:23PM 0 /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lmysqlclient_r installing ruby gem mysql2.... in Fedora Linux + MySQL 5.5.15...
10:55AM 0 Managing third-party javascript libraries
5:48AM 1 sending emails from within my site...
5:47AM 2 Learning Rails creating a vocabulary website
4:51AM 7 Anybody willing?
3:15AM 2 problem scraping using nokogiri - getting wrong characters
1:14AM 0 translation missing: en.date.formats.default
Saturday November 26 2011
11:00PM 2 how to access an element from a instance variable
10:36PM 3 Asset pipeline giving me hard time. Please help !!! - (rails 3.1.3)
9:29PM 1 ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches [GET] "/image.jpg"):
7:09PM 6 New rails user - Trying to understand why console wont run save command
7:08PM 0 spreadsheet-like presentation gem?
4:18PM 0 config.asset_host being ignored
3:35PM 1 Out-dated link to download Rails packages
3:33PM 1 Need to add video chat functionality on Rails 3
12:32PM 1 mongoid update_attributes issues
5:22AM 0 Asset Pipeline negated css auto width margins
12:33AM 1 Help with Ubuntu
Friday November 25 2011
12:10PM 0 Use Carrierwave with Active Admin?
11:32AM 2 Sorting in rails
10:45AM 4 Sprockets File not Found Exception.
9:25AM 3 How much ruby should I know prior to learning rails?
7:58AM 3 symbol or string?
5:16AM 0 How to fix this jasmine install error
12:50AM 3 Retrieving ID from a POST URI
12:44AM 2 Fresh Rails install won't use version 3.1
Thursday November 24 2011
11:48PM 3 Lots of embedded ruby / database queries on a page
8:53PM 2 This is not the error: ActionView::MissingTemplate
8:24PM 8 Upgrade to rails 3.1.3
4:16PM 0 q 2.3.x upgrade - current status
3:26PM 3 Round a numeric value
2:55PM 4 How do I destroy all the posts when the board is destroyed?
1:26PM 0 legacy MTI schema
12:44PM 5 Radio buttons
12:28PM 8 Converting SQL query to Rails query for a non model attribute
12:18PM 22 Unable to Start with Rails.
11:11AM 1 api.rubyonrails.org broken
10:10AM 5 ActiveRecord::AssociationTypeMismatch
7:01AM 3 Clean way of extracting some info from an Array
6:45AM 4 How to upgrade rails 2 application to rails 3?
4:37AM 0 I've got some "what the heck?" questions regarding the asset pipeline... (like why does it blow the entire assets dir away?)
1:27AM 3 i am new to rails please help...
Wednesday November 23 2011
9:05PM 0 Posting photos to Twitter
8:57PM 3 nesting resources under users?
8:55PM 0 resource nesting for spreadsheet-like app?
4:15PM 0 Ruby & Rails Course, 30th Nov to 2nd Dec
3:30PM 3 Trigger AJAX form submit on change
2:52PM 2 ActiveResource - multiple 'sites'
12:14PM 3 setting a variable only one time.
12:04PM 1 Is anyone still using gettext?
10:52AM 0 Awesome nested set - how to put there items?
7:21AM 0 Posting to TwitPic without ruby-twitpic gem
2:28AM 1 How to insert a null value into DB using a radio_button with form_for
1:24AM 5 Class Loader Weirdness | Rails 3.0.3
Tuesday November 22 2011
9:00PM 3 Inline symbols
8:29PM 3 Scaffold and Localize
7:29PM 1 I'm confused about what I need to do
6:50PM 2 refinerycms and omniauth routing issue
5:39PM 3 Path helper doesn't get object's id automatically anymore?
5:16PM 3 What's can I use RoR for
1:23PM 2 redirect_to paypal with encrypted attributes via controller
10:56AM 0 Is there any problem extend ApplicationHelper in application controller
10:30AM 1 SQL QUERY TIEMOUT Using Ruby on Rails
10:27AM 7 rake aborted with ruby on rails
9:29AM 3 Query optimization Rails MongoDB
5:40AM 0 gems problem with ruby on rails application
3:15AM 1 table naming
1:43AM 5 ActiveRecord :dependent fails for me
Monday November 21 2011
9:54PM 3 Getting the most of our caches when dealing with external HTTP services
9:19PM 1 Association - strange formatting
8:44PM 0 How to use two different sets of mailer templates for two different Devise models?
7:24PM 1 Rspec response.should have_selector not matching
6:13PM 3 Understanding Asset Pipeline
5:56PM 1 uninitialized constant Sass::Script::Functions::EvaluationContext
5:22PM 2 PDF-Barcode-Background process questions
5:21PM 1 error when using generator
5:08PM 0 [Rails ] inheritance template w namespace ..
3:09PM 9 Problem with Asset Pipeline
1:20PM 4 f.submit calls #destroy
11:30AM 7 existing application with mysql migration
10:29AM 4 Build mobile apps for Rails sites — Would XML/JSON passing be the best approach?
5:28AM 2 How to know which validation failed in the model validations.
5:11AM 0 Opinions of scheduler_daemon?
1:59AM 0 OmniAuth provider not working (single sign on, two Rails apps)
Sunday November 20 2011
2:20PM 1 Image preview paperclip
2:03PM 9 scanning word document in ruby
9:50AM 1 Access to the video on the condition
9:42AM 3 Use Ransack with radio buttons for boolean values
8:55AM 0 Anyone here joined NaNWriMo?
Saturday November 19 2011
8:45PM 7 rails application working with different version
8:44PM 2 Git + Gedit > Starting the process
7:54PM 1 Explain noob how deploy with 'capistrano' through :git
4:39PM 9 Having a terrible time
2:00AM 0 What's the Largest Rails Shop in Seattle?
12:27AM 3 undefined method `+@'
Friday November 18 2011
11:37PM 1 Ejecutar accion automaticamente
11:15PM 6 image in header
11:13PM 5 uninitialized constant Object::Foodevent (NameError)
9:16PM 3 How to structure my database
5:18PM 0 Twitter API related question
4:37PM 0 Jquery dialog
3:24PM 0 Assets - find a weird behavior recently and I'd like to understand the original issue
3:17PM 3 Rails Installation Error: Failed to build gem native extension.
12:01PM 8 form remote only if new record.
10:56AM 1 Excellent Opening in Ruby on Rails
10:33AM 1 Model "Factory" and factory_girl
9:45AM 0 Capybara + Selenium + JS
8:23AM 0 creating an object with its associated.
5:53AM 0 issue with to_json calling after to_a in test env
2:17AM 19 Ubuntu: Best IDE
1:34AM 1 Losing current_user after respond_to do - what gives?
1:22AM 1 generating styled text in a model
Thursday November 17 2011
9:54PM 2 please suggest a web page automation tool
9:22PM 0 2.3 to 3.1 upgrade: RESTful routes now required when using link_to("foo", @object) ?
6:01PM 1 Form with xhr and regular submits
5:26PM 2 Cannot send multiple emails in a loop
5:05PM 8 Newbie looking for best IDE
4:46PM 3 Access a “session” variable in a nested model
3:28PM 0 Ruby on Rails with REST api
10:45AM 0 How to get handle to the user through AuthLogic
10:36AM 3 Test-driving a rails script/runner script
6:21AM 2 Problem : Instance Variable or Application Constant Expiring
1:05AM 1 Redirects in Rails
Wednesday November 16 2011
1:47PM 1 Rails 3.1 requires linecache1.9 which requires ruby 1.9?
1:46PM 0 When i try to gem install rails, nothing happens
1:29PM 1 How can I tell in what version of code Rails is written in?
1:12PM 0 Dicom integration
12:56PM 0 Meta property for videos uploaded from rails application
12:22PM 1 New to Ruby On Rails. Problems Installing Rails.
12:00PM 1 Object not missing Constant X
11:27AM 0 test case for ruby scripts
10:52AM 5 Problem with Rails Action Mailer
10:07AM 1 Creating a "handcrafted" database object.
8:20AM 4 unable to send html format through mail
3:12AM 5 Action Controller: Exception caught
2:52AM 2 I want to override ActiveModel#errors.as_json, but how?
Tuesday November 15 2011
11:06PM 6 undefined method `macro' for nil:NilClass
7:01PM 3 strange routing issue : working on localhost not working on remote server ..
6:27PM 2 Getting class name from association name
4:08PM 2 date_select always displays current day
2:50PM 1 Activemerchant rails 3.1 wrong number of arguments
11:49AM 3 create e menu for navigation.
7:37AM 4 Need some guidance on running shell commands from my app..
Monday November 14 2011
11:47PM 3 ruby 1.9.3 causes rbuf_fill timeout, but 1.8.7 does not
10:53PM 10 Ruby on Windows
9:12PM 1 executing JS snippet from a controller
8:51PM 2 Looking for environment setup help
8:25PM 0 Geolocalization and IP
5:37PM 0 best way: restore a db on a site using an client CSV file
4:15PM 1 Rails 3.1.2.rc2
4:01PM 3 HOWTO Let Rails login into another website
12:09PM 1 Puzzled about my Inventory manager counter
11:29AM 0 Twitter with rails 3
11:27AM 12 Youtube with rails 3
10:54AM 2 upload file routing error
6:37AM 0 Ruby Engineer (up to 130k) (Jr-Sr) - 4 Positions New York City
5:26AM 2 How should I model this?
Sunday November 13 2011
9:59PM 1 How do you execute "rails runner" in Heroku?
6:29PM 0 Nest Resources including sessions in Rails 3 Issue
6:14PM 6 How to design that Model?
5:01PM 2 Help solving a problem
3:55PM 4 what a disappointing evening!
12:37PM 1 Fb_graph issue
Saturday November 12 2011
5:38PM 2 Can I drop-in a Ruby script and execute it within one of my Rails pages?
1:52PM 3 complex form with dynamic fields.
11:06AM 4 No route matches [GET] "/microposts/304"
4:38AM 3 how to use mutiple yields
1:15AM 0 Action Mailer email verification
Friday November 11 2011
10:12PM 3 Modularizing filters to use with many models?
9:55PM 3 help with temporary database tables
9:26PM 0 Free Ruby on Rails hostin with shell account
12:45PM 4 Prototype troubles with Rails 3.1.1 from 2.3.14
12:36PM 4 doubts
12:02PM 2 newbie question - How can I run the following Query in ActiveRecord ?
11:30AM 1 time zone not getting saved in the database
10:50AM 1 Error on Rails Using Uploadify-S3 ...
10:35AM 10 an advice to manage pdf documents.
10:25AM 2 belongs_to :model validation with mandatory foreign keys and foreign key at DB layer
9:50AM 1 accepts_nested_attributes_for.
9:32AM 1 date problem with the server
5:08AM 2 ActionDispatch SessionRestoreError
4:25AM 1 What is the best choice: REE or 1.9.3
2:25AM 8 Newbie learning RoR
12:55AM 0 Videos of Matz's keynote and contest pitches
Thursday November 10 2011
9:42PM 1 Can't get form to render.
8:55PM 1 Auto populate text_fields based on selected item from another collection_select
8:26PM 2 Rails nested Routing
6:33PM 1 Reset button not working
6:08PM 6 Running rake task automatically with rights of server?
3:24PM 0 Ruby on Rails/Urgent Requirement
10:51AM 5 binary file to base64 in 1.9.2
7:22AM 1 render :file - images not taken
5:04AM 1 url helper in model.js.erb.cofee (Sprockets::Context)
Wednesday November 9 2011
9:29PM 1 Umlauts not getting displayed properly in XML
8:47PM 0 GNURadio Compressive Sensing block
8:44PM 0 Ruby on Rails Developer position in McLean,VA
7:42PM 2 Rails 3.1 Nested Models
11:24AM 0 Named route js.erb
10:56AM 4 very strange error.
6:14AM 3 Mongo adapter
2:53AM 0 beginner question: how do I figure out why an app won't start? (RubyMine)
12:54AM 4 Update VirtualRails to Rails 3.1.1 and Ruby 1.9.2
Tuesday November 8 2011
11:42PM 1 Rails install problem
1:23PM 2 CSV , MySQL or SQL Server
8:51AM 2 A?\v. Wa
12:21AM 3 why is my text_field getting a default value of current_user.email?
Monday November 7 2011
9:49PM 0 Rails-3.1.1 Deprecation warnings:
9:46PM 4 undefined method `seed'
8:49PM 4 RSpec fails although it shouldn't
8:41PM 2 Problem with Rails3.1.1 in mass_assignment_authorizer
5:39PM 0 Typus save/edit form
1:55PM 5 I18n on model attributes
12:15PM 7 has_and_belongs_to_many or has_many :through?
11:31AM 1 connect': Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2) (Mysql2
11:04AM 0 access requesting IP from actionwebservice controller/model
9:31AM 2 Mess and gems and Rails
4:50AM 4 How to convert Csv into Excel
Sunday November 6 2011
11:33PM 2 Ruby on Rails 3.1 Installation tutorial for Ubuntu (versions 11.04, 11.10) and Linux Mint (version 11) - download or read online if you need it
8:51PM 1 Sublime Text Editor
8:08PM 4 Multiple table inheritance
6:09PM 0 Customizing Rails::Engine initializers
5:37PM 3 Rails 3.0.7 - validates uniqueness, factory girl, and transactions with rspec
5:00PM 1 subject lines, threading
4:59PM 0 Subject issues, (was Validate in a model using a controller def)
4:38PM 0 Validating uniqueness within a scope
2:40PM 14 no such file to load -- openssl (LoadError) - Deperate for solution after 3 days
12:38AM 1 Create category
Saturday November 5 2011
7:42PM 7 Initialising error on Ubuntu 11.10
5:14PM 3 How to get Rails 3.1's Cache store (FileStore) to work with Rack::Sendfile
3:19PM 13 Adding a site admin user while creating a site
1:42PM 2 Where is my gem file located so that i can rake test
11:54AM 5 Rails 3.1.x - "kill -9" only way to stop tests
10:07AM 0 rubygem pingfm
8:26AM 1 Rails.cache.read unmarshal everything as string
5:36AM 3 Rails Bug? create_association delete existing record if duplicate exist
1:07AM 1 What is the "rails way" to filter an index actions results?
Friday November 4 2011
10:47PM 1 apostrophes
10:10PM 10 functional testing API: GET versus POST?
7:35PM 1 Low performance
7:32PM 5 Beating the Top-Posting Dead Horse
6:48PM 1 add dynamic nested attributes without nested form gem
6:00PM 1 Rails Server unable to run commands as daemon
5:47PM 0 Why is relative_root_url not used to automatically scope routes?
5:07PM 2 cool javascript sliding boxes
4:58PM 0 Announcing Jax: a WebGL framework for Rails
3:40PM 41 Validate in a model using a controller def
3:19PM 1 rendering partials problem
2:57PM 0 [bundle] Loads all gems from Internet at the new project creation
2:01PM 3 how to simulate typecasting of ActiveRecord in non-AR classes?
11:09AM 1 Request exceeded the limit of 10 internal redirects due to probable configuration error
12:13AM 4 MySQL errors on Cygwin - URGENT!!
Thursday November 3 2011
11:47PM 1 Coffeescript being compiled to javascript
7:26PM 2 libMagickCore.so.4: cannot open shared object file:
6:44PM 0 rendering a javascript script error...
5:44PM 0 Arel table aliases and ActiveRecord::Relation help: how to specify "multiple has_many items in a query"
5:38PM 4 JSON problem while installing rails
2:07PM 5 Store XML format data into database
1:19PM 0 multiple render text in jquery rails
12:11PM 6 Postgres match with regular expression
10:21AM 1 Database access benchmarks for use in web-frameworks - How does Ruby compare?
10:03AM 1 protected method in production environment
9:58AM 2 Passing arguments to BackgroundRB
9:33AM 0 Installing Mysql Game in Macintosh Vmware version
9:09AM 3 passing non-input values to db.
2:49AM 0 500 internal server error with edit controller
1:49AM 1 pulling data form another controller's table
Wednesday November 2 2011
11:43PM 1 getting devise to return json data when signing out
9:35PM 4 TypeError in Classified#show
6:54PM 3 activeldap and migrations
6:52PM 0 Rails 2.x testing (needs authentication and coordination with other server)...
5:32PM 0 Rails 3.1 and oracle
4:05PM 4 undefined method `updated_at' for #<Classified:0x686c5e4>
3:51PM 1 current deployment options
2:35PM 3 maintenance page with 3.1 and assets pipeline
10:54AM 2 Administrating MacOS with a ruby
10:23AM 0 [JOB] RubyOnRails Job in Switzerland (Zug)
7:13AM 2 Specify and validate requirements on an ActiveRecord association
7:09AM 3 form_for text_field
6:19AM 0 setting params[:token] with Devise
4:54AM 1 Question on validation
Tuesday November 1 2011
10:43PM 1 rake db:migrate aborted
9:24PM 2 Duda con action mailer
8:04PM 2 Can't work with command prompt on Windows XP
6:54PM 2 Railscast 262 different partial in helper
5:59PM 2 Problem updating helper
5:55PM 0 Matrix-type grid - HELP?!?!
3:44PM 0 Back Office Reporting
3:39PM 3 Images, Stylesheets, Javascripts are not loading on server
3:09PM 0 [Rails 3.0.7-10] Missing Scope + Includes breaks the Chain
2:56PM 0 Rails 3 Multiple database with Joins conditions throws exception
9:58AM 1 Rails 3.1, stylesheet assets not being reloaded correctly?
9:46AM 0 echo command in rails
3:53AM 2 Dynamical refresh div with in rails