Rails - Oct 2011

Monday October 31 2011
9:33PM 2 install
9:32PM 3 Validation on Routes
8:56PM 1 HEROKU ROR server - problem with css files
6:48PM 3 Migration reports success but did not do anything
4:45PM 7 impossible architecture??
1:29PM 2 ROR : Need help to finish a website related to Starcraft 2
8:41AM 1 facebook chat on my site
6:53AM 0 ireport tool exception
4:38AM 0 Spinner not showing up for form_remote_tag in rails 2.3.11
2:27AM 0 Error at rake db:create
1:31AM 3 nested routes not rendering properly in link helper
1:11AM 35 rubygems Problem on ubuntu 10.04
Sunday October 30 2011
10:27PM 0 Re: Re: Bundler ignoring rspec [SOLVED]
9:15PM 0 Checkbox search results
9:13PM 2 Could not find rails (>= 0) amongst [bundler-1.0.21]
6:03PM 5 Fatal error: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
5:09PM 6 Bundler ignoring rspec
Saturday October 29 2011
9:47PM 4 ActiveModel::Validations in another module?
4:59PM 0 Invalid gemspec. How to fix this?
2:06PM 0 destroy options on join table
10:00AM 2 comments on HAML ?
9:49AM 3 loading a large form in pieces via AJAX
5:50AM 1 Refresh tab content on click in JQuery UI Tabs
4:09AM 4 each iterator passing in nil
Friday October 28 2011
9:46PM 6 ActiveRecord/Arel delete with joins?
5:40PM 1 RJS calls being ignored
5:11PM 1 How to make comment with jquery
2:44PM 1 Multiple :on options?
1:45PM 1 Easy way to output translatable selection dropdown's in rails forms?
9:02AM 3 Is active record 3.1.1 supposed to be threadsafe?
3:44AM 2 Mac Rails gem install mysql2 fail
12:56AM 2 Quick and Dirty SSL for a Rails app
Thursday October 27 2011
10:21PM 1 DEPRECATION WARNING: when rake use
8:32PM 3 how to change db values without a form
5:49PM 2 Rails 3.1.1 serious problems with model
4:23PM 3 Button for change an attribute's value
3:02PM 0 error installing character-encoding gem on ubuntu 11.10 64bit
2:30PM 1 Safety and reliability of Thread.current
8:55AM 10 Need some information
8:51AM 1 creating subdomains
5:23AM 8 ConnectionNotEstablished with Mysql on ubuntu
Wednesday October 26 2011
9:25PM 2 Question about autocomplete
6:36PM 0 MeetUp at UC Berkeley ("Other People's Code) - Opensource and Coding
6:23PM 3 My Ruby on Rails procedures and projects
3:53PM 6 Add an index to a form
3:38PM 4 Help wanted: pg vs. postgres-pr gems
2:23PM 3 Overriding number_to_human (Rails 3.0.5)
1:50PM 5 find_each(:include => ) the association never loads
10:45AM 4 Question about db
9:25AM 7 Different Order by clause on will_paginate pages?
6:32AM 4 How do I install ruby on rails on Windows 7
Tuesday October 25 2011
8:40PM 1 advice on updating gems
4:52PM 6 Date formats
4:21PM 1 Separate DB with rails 3 and mysql
1:51PM 1 Customizing errors
1:03PM 7 additional model attributes
12:40PM 1 help! is this activerecord modelling anywhere near correct/optimal?
12:32PM 3 gdocs4ruby cannot work
12:29PM 5 exception handling not working?
12:23PM 1 migration and updating database
11:27AM 0 Looking for brilliant RoR Developers to join our Team
9:42AM 0 Sprocket Digest + Debug combination broken?
4:46AM 4 Delete all cache
1:25AM 3 Using Ruby on Rails in a Debian/non-Ubuntu Linux distro)
1:04AM 1 Looking for the best tutorials for setting up a message board and wiki
12:31AM 4 Heroku alternatives
Monday October 24 2011
7:36PM 0 Testing file uploads with Carrierwave
6:17PM 9 RVM
3:42PM 5 Display names
2:16PM 1 JQuery autocomplete example
11:28AM 1 combinations saved to model?
9:59AM 1 Command line generation of associations
6:41AM 0 [Jobs in SF] RoR Developer-Employer Speed Dating (Free for developers!)
4:26AM 6 undefined method `all' for MyModel:Module
4:12AM 9 ActiveRecord::ConnectionNotEstablished
4:12AM 1 Help! Beginner Trying Test Driven Development.
3:09AM 1 Deploy demo web rails to heroku error
1:43AM 2 Uninitialized constant when using IO
Sunday October 23 2011
9:37PM 0 [Routes][Gem] assert can't see route
10:48AM 1 Rails for large-scale e-commerce: A good or bad choice?
10:02AM 2 Pages controlling
9:37AM 2 using radio buttons
7:20AM 1 Problem using github gem on Windows 7
6:26AM 7 taking oDesk test
Saturday October 22 2011
11:11PM 2 "Rails server" finds syntax error where there shouldn't be one
10:46PM 1 Deployment issue with Rails 3.1.1
7:53PM 0 Formating Sorcery
7:47PM 0 Problem with EngineYard portion of Railsinstaller
5:03PM 2 why my Ajax request is performed 3 times ?
7:15AM 2 how to split particuller value from an array in countries gem
1:45AM 1 problem installing 'eventmachine' gem
Friday October 21 2011
6:57PM 5 Active record, postgresql sequences and primary keys
4:23PM 7 Error while install mysql2 in windows 7
4:08PM 3 New IDE for Mac RoR
3:34PM 1 MYSQL and 3.1 hogging cpu
3:21PM 3 multi site with RoR
1:37PM 1 Windows RailsInstaller for 2.3.x ?
12:04PM 4 Installing RoR
12:02PM 20 How to transform my html form into a rails 3 form
11:31AM 1 mongodb app demo
11:16AM 0 Deleted migration.rb file? Potential bug in rails...
9:59AM 5 How to binding a JS event to a field within form_for block
8:38AM 0 filter.js - JSON / jQuery based search result filtering.
7:53AM 4 add an array to params
6:25AM 2 rails new project: error in generated controller
2:42AM 1 Identify internet/intranet connection
Thursday October 20 2011
10:35PM 2 Rails 3.1.1 why public/system content is not transferred upon deployment
5:18PM 0 Rails 3.1.1, problem with javascript and config.assets.debug = false in development mode
5:18PM 2 Access other model attributes directly with has_one, belongs_to ?
5:08PM 0 [Resume] Ruby on Rails Developer, NYC
4:53PM 0 Freelance RoR Developers
1:17PM 2 Agile book apache2.conf: Forbidden You don't have permission to access / on this server.
12:23PM 9 Cucumber installation problem
10:46AM 7 Alternatives to 'SET' data type
6:19AM 1 Jquery AJAX not working with session It is not taking old session.
4:13AM 0 location.reload not working in success in ajax+jquery+rails
Wednesday October 19 2011
11:37PM 1 Rails 3.1 and minitest
10:33PM 0 Fukuoka Ruby Night
8:14PM 4 Rails 3 - Make a “link_to” using selected value from collection select
4:01PM 5 Runtime error.
2:45PM 0 Update gem version
12:07PM 2 who knows ransack?
10:30AM 0 RJS error when using replace_html
9:52AM 0 CSS not displayed correctly
7:51AM 1 (unknown)
7:24AM 0 Email Anonymization
12:55AM 1 Active Record Model From Legacy query
Tuesday October 18 2011
7:49PM 0 [JOB] Ruby on Rails Developer, NYC | 100-120k
3:34PM 2 Can i run Ruby Web Application by Renaming application ?
3:25PM 5 Initialize a variable at start
2:01PM 15 Generate model from database
1:00PM 0 check_box_tag call action on change (AJAX)
12:44PM 1 performance of the rails code and total time
12:09PM 10 [Beginner] fields_for within each loop
11:29AM 2 Beginner: has_many relationship Active Record Associations
9:56AM 2 ruby interpreter dies with system popup message
3:33AM 4 will_paginate and checkboxes
2:25AM 0 Ruby on Rails Bootcamp Training
1:19AM 2 meta tags via helper - assistance needed
1:15AM 0 Nested form
Monday October 17 2011
11:39PM 2 difference in generate scaffold files with different rails versions
9:27PM 6 adding key/value pairs to hash wrongfully adds a right bracket
9:08PM 1 Unspecified routing error
8:02PM 3 Fallback for CDN asset loading
7:46PM 2 Immidiate hiring.....
4:35PM 2 Rails Transparent Dependency Injection
3:23PM 0 ROR Developers / Ruby Engineers - Perm role - Edinburgh 20k -50k
2:20PM 3 ActiveRecord STI not restricting type in queries
1:26PM 0 Webistrano Default Tasks
12:04PM 1 problem with auto increment in rails 3
11:56AM 3 cURL in rails
11:56AM 0 Disable ajax post temporarily
10:35AM 2 Cannot launch ruby server
8:13AM 1 [Rails ] Send mail and embed image
7:16AM 0 Gem compilation failing on AIX 64 bit box
12:20AM 1 Login form that is not root URL?
Sunday October 16 2011
10:33PM 2 current_path?
3:01PM 4 Ruby on rails with twitter integration
8:19AM 4 Getting a variable defined in new action in create action
4:35AM 6 validates_uniqueness_of before ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique
12:13AM 1 Juggernaut plugin - push data to client without use of publish method?
Saturday October 15 2011
7:04PM 3 What is the best way to modify the jquery lib.
6:42PM 2 Removing (.:format) from a resource in routes
4:17PM 3 Cannot run server/rake/spork/rspec or anything due to some failed tests
11:46AM 0 shoulda installation troubles
2:04AM 0 Hosting with Rails Playground
Friday October 14 2011
10:04PM 1 bad component(expected host component):
7:36PM 0 Rails 3.1, typus gem localization
7:13PM 3 how to link to the folder in public folder
6:24PM 3 RSpec 2 not working on Rails 3.1.1
4:03PM 6 [Wanted] A gem that handles authentication AND authorization for me
2:53PM 2 before_save :encrypt_password
2:48PM 0 Any data table component for rails?
12:14PM 7 how call method from model to controller in rails 3
10:19AM 1 Wanted: contributors for super-dandy gem
9:34AM 0 How to execute a command 'bundle install' with THOR interface.
8:47AM 1 Run some logic in app at desired time based on DB record
8:21AM 3 RoR Developer needed
6:53AM 4 Validates_with problem
12:31AM 5 AJAX vote update for a nested resource
Thursday October 13 2011
5:12PM 3 any idea of WFKV_ constant
2:57PM 3 New open source project based on rails
2:20PM 0 devise plugin+active admin to add user by own?
1:58PM 1 Create unique String
11:02AM 0 Rails 3.1 textile/RedCloth for static pages?
10:55AM 0 Rails console error
10:45AM 0 Convert CHM file to PDF file
9:14AM 5 Using wget in Rails controller
7:51AM 4 GeoCoder for two different models
Wednesday October 12 2011
11:10PM 3 ruby/rails training
8:54PM 5 performance issues of rails app
8:19PM 4 How to access controller's instance variable in a js.erb loaded by javascript_include_tag?
8:18PM 2 ActiveRecord Integer Saving Problem
7:51PM 1 hashbang
6:55PM 0 Ruby On Rails Developer Opening(s) in India
4:51PM 2 update_attribute - effecting multiple attributes
3:08PM 1 `require': no such file to load -- rspec/rails (LoadError)
3:05PM 0 Reload data set after AJAX creation?
11:37AM 3 URL encryption
9:00AM 1 how to avoid the asset path warming
7:06AM 0 How to store 3D images in ROR
5:05AM 1 scopes related question
4:46AM 36 ROR setup on ubuntu machine
2:35AM 6 has_many through saving more than one field
Tuesday October 11 2011
10:32PM 1 Silicon Valley Ruby Innovator Award
7:38PM 1 re rendering into a form/table
5:37PM 3 Want to implement APIs in Rails.
5:33PM 1 missing template caused by locale ?
5:06PM 0 Expert advice on realtime Instant messaging in rails 3 ?
4:42PM 3 Dragonfly permissions problem on server
3:48PM 1 recursive finds
2:43PM 5 Polymorphic association with Active Admin
2:41PM 9 Stream user's computer output to server?
1:18PM 1 How to use carrierwave with active admin?
10:23AM 10 Create Two objects at the same time
8:47AM 0 Mechanize gem. What's the price?
7:37AM 2 ROR Development Assignments at Pune
7:09AM 0 Apache Benchmark
6:35AM 1 how to do sum of two columns and store in another column in database
5:28AM 0 generic table associations
2:32AM 0 Is this functionality achievable through accepts_nested_attributes_for
1:30AM 5 Help with images and videos
1:18AM 0 route match error with 2 parameters
Monday October 10 2011
11:09PM 1 Rails 3.1.1 and ssl
10:58PM 0 HTTP Digest Authentication Bug?
8:33PM 6 Ruby on Rails sqlite3 ranking
4:30PM 0 Find a [whatever] near you with Rails and the Google Map
4:08PM 0 Is sending session cookie in each response necessary?
12:50PM 2 nested attributes question
12:11PM 0 passenger , ruby on rails , apache 2.2.21
11:37AM 2 Finding the parent of a nested object from it's model before it is saved?
9:30AM 0 Need to display the decoded string in xml
7:46AM 0 Fork and run external application and use telnet to control it?
6:12AM 10 how to run the ruby script/server when the system starts
6:01AM 0 how to run offline "bundle install" from windows
4:09AM 0 Rails 3.1 and mysql
3:59AM 2 inflections problem - rails 3.1.1
3:09AM 2 Collection_select
1:38AM 2 JavaScript and Ruby in HAML
Sunday October 9 2011
5:04PM 1 How do I deploy my RoR app on Heroku?
5:00PM 1 testing: setting up checkbox value and tutorial problems
3:39PM 0 Rcov and Shoulda How to evaluate Code Coverage?
1:27PM 3 DB recommendation for 10M+ reads/writes a day
11:18AM 1 Broken caching in Rails 3.1.0
9:08AM 22 Packaging for shipping product made out of RoR
4:57AM 2 Client-side work, removing Rails out of the equation
2:22AM 1 Looking for a bit of help...
Saturday October 8 2011
11:49PM 2 How can i send email with ruby on rails 3.1 ?
9:02PM 0 Sharing popover.rhtml among different partials
2:56PM 2 Looking for a Rails book for a Ruby programmer
2:47PM 0 Unable to install required gems
Friday October 7 2011
6:45PM 2 Why does this work?
6:34PM 20 Ruby adoption statistics
6:32PM 2 simple query
6:10PM 1 custom copyright text to ruby file automatically
5:04PM 3 How to host Ruby Rails application in https .
4:18PM 4 Recommended SOAP library
3:31PM 4 API request with email in address path possible?
2:41PM 0 will_paginate + RJS error
2:11PM 0 Rails 3.1 string conversion errors
9:01AM 1 403 Error Dont know whats wrong.
Thursday October 6 2011
9:13PM 7 Inexpensive Rails Hosting for Small Business Client
7:32PM 2 [heroku] Error H10 (App crashed)
6:23PM 0 home page with login and signup form
5:57PM 0 Execute task via form generated cron
3:46PM 10 DevKit version wrong?
2:05PM 0 Rake Routes Blank on upgrade to Rails 3
10:02AM 5 Simple ActiveRecord serialise problem
12:29AM 0 How to correctly setup this relationship and database schema for this problem
Wednesday October 5 2011
10:24PM 3 Rails 3 routes with same name, different param name based on constraint
9:02PM 10 Errors while installing sqlite3 for Rails
7:48PM 5 link_to parameters
7:11PM 0 RSpec & ActiveRecord without Rails
5:40PM 1 Dhana Sekar wants to chat
5:24PM 0 Optional Dynamic Prepended Route via scope
3:00PM 4 undefined method keys for ActiveRecord::Relation when executing to_json
2:35PM 7 Truely nubie - Just installed Rails 3.1.0. What next?
1:43PM 2 formtastic / activeadmin
11:58AM 1 BG event updating on rails
9:35AM 2 Unable to add Fonts in Tinymce Editor
1:07AM 3 Rails 3 Select_tag in javascript give missing ; error
Tuesday October 4 2011
10:29PM 0 Feedback on Rails Application
8:35PM 6 Active Record Associations - best way to find all items assosciated with a specific company
3:07PM 9 Postgresql adapter not working
1:41PM 2 MySQL ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid on insert w/ no detail?
1:15PM 7 problem with dynamic values in popup box
11:40AM 0 Memory leaks in ruby 1.9.2 and rails 3.x tracing
5:45AM 1 don't persist a model on condition
5:30AM 1 Ignore/don't persist a model if certain attribute is blank or some value
5:17AM 3 Jquery error please help me out
4:38AM 7 downgrade rails 3.1 project from ruby 1.9.2 to 1.8.7
1:26AM 0 win7 rails aptana studio 3 rmagick cannot start debug server
Monday October 3 2011
10:55PM 0 rails ujs, multiple ajax requests
9:05PM 0 Ruby Game Opportunity
9:00PM 0 Rails Game Opportunity
8:18PM 1 500 Error
1:32PM 4 gem update --system issue
11:41AM 2 How to include the JavaScript source in RoR
11:18AM 3 how to set .js file loading in 3.1?
10:38AM 1 Any free server to upload files from paperclip
9:54AM 1 append the hash error
7:48AM 2 database save files
5:59AM 2 RJS Handler missing
1:57AM 2 Model.find(:all, :conditions …) on one field for one key-value from a hash?
1:46AM 5 Javascript Testing Framework
Sunday October 2 2011
7:51PM 4 Aggregated attribute changed but _was is changed too. So nothing is update in database.
5:54PM 2 Problem in SessionHelper
5:29PM 5 tutorial: gravatar_image_tag problem
4:38PM 0 Help with migration issue
2:32PM 1 print multiple pages
7:17AM 0 Need Clarification
2:14AM 0 Ruby performance
1:33AM 6 How do I get MySQL working?
Saturday October 1 2011
4:23PM 1 Where is heroku?
1:04PM 1 One method in several models
12:41PM 2 ActionView::MissingTemplate
12:12PM 1 Form helper in a content_tag
6:52AM 6 Rails website start up time