On Mar 14, 12:19 pm, Philippe Lang
wrote:> Hi,
> David H.H. announced recently that jquery is going to be the default in
Rails 3.1, and that Prototype helpers / RJS are going into a gem.
> What does that mean for the future? Should we progressively forget about
things like javascript helpers, RJS, and all these fun parts of rails? And start
coding with jquery/json in mind?
> I''m not against that at all, but I have to admit I find RJS really
fun to use...
I found rjs fun to use at first, but I think it becomes a bit of a
crutch eventually. As far as the helpers go, while convenient they
encourage a nasty way of doing javascript.
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> Attik System web :http://www.attiksystem.ch
> Philippe Lang phone : +41 26 422 13 75
> rte de la Fonderie 2 gsm : +41 79 351 49 94
> 1700 Fribourg twitter: @philippelang
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