search for: attiksystem

Displaying 9 results from an estimated 9 matches for "attiksystem".

2006 Aug 26
DRbFire / ActiveRecord performances
...t; => "color3") end class Server def find(i) Garden.find(i) end end s = g = s.find(1) puts "#{g[:id]} | #{g[:name]}" do |f| puts "#{f[:id]} | #{f[:garden_id]} | #{f[:name]}" end DRb.start_service(''drbfire://'', s, DRbFire::ROLE => DRbFire::SERVER) DRb.thread.join Client code: ------------ #!/usr/local/bin/ruby require ''drb/drbfire'' DRb.start_service(''drbfire://'', nil, DRbFire::ROLE => DRbFire::CLIENT) obj = DRbObject....
2011 Mar 14
Javascript & Rails future
...vascript helpers, RJS, and all these fun parts of rails? And start coding with jquery/json in mind? I''m not against that at all, but I have to admit I find RJS really fun to use... ------------------------------------------------------------- Attik System web : Philippe Lang phone : +41 26 422 13 75 rte de la Fonderie 2 gsm : +41 79 351 49 94 1700 Fribourg twitter: @philippelang pgp :
2006 Dec 18
[fxruby] howto show a warningmessage thatdisappears again? a > button. I don''t think that''s possible with FXMessageBox, is it ? > > Thank you, > > Best regards, > Axel > > -------- Original-Nachricht -------- > Datum: Mon, 18 Dec 2006 08:17:19 +0100 > Von: "Philippe Lang" <philippe.lang at> > An: fxruby-users at > Betreff: Re: [fxruby-users] [fxruby] howto show a warning > message thatdisappears again? > >> fxruby-users-bounces at wrote: >> >>> Dear all, >>> >>> I have an application in which I w...
2006 Nov 04
ActiveRecord, insert and not auto-incremented primary keys...
...-------------------------------------- class Garden < ActiveRecord::Base set_primary_key :code, :manual End --------------------------------------- Thanks, ---------------------------------- Philippe Lang, Ing. Dipl. EPFL Attik System rte de la Fonderie 2 1700 Fribourg Switzerland Tel: +41 (26) 422 13 75 Fax: +41 (26) 422 13 76 -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: smime.p7s Type: application/x-pkcs7-signature Size: 3125 bytes Desc: not available Url :
2008 May 06
Wrap text inside an FXTable cell?
Hi, Is it possible to wrap text inside an FXTable cell, just like it is possible with an FXText object? I''d like to display and edit multi-line text inside an FXTable cell. Thanks! Philippe
2008 Jul 02
FXTextField and text alignment
Hi, When the text inside an FXTextField is larger that the available space, the FXTextField apparently "switches" from left alignment to right aligment: you only see the end of the text. When the text is smaller than the available space, text is aligned on the left. Is there a way to change that, and have left alignment all the time? I''ve been trying a few things, like
2006 Aug 02
Qt client with rails? Does it make sense?
Hi, A quick question from a beginner: does it make sense to build the UI of a rails application with Qt, instead of bulding a web application? The idea would be to reuse parts of rails (like ActiveRecords) to write the logic on the server, and build the (complex) UI faster, with a client-based framework. On the client, ruby *could* be used too, since QtRuby exists. Your reactions are more than
2008 Feb 28
FXColorDialog slow UI update
Hi Lyle, I have noticed a very small problem with the FXColorDialog class: when changing the color with the color wheel, it takes quite a long time (until 4 seconds, sometimes less) for the other panels of the dialog to synchronize. The opposite is also true: when changing the color with the sliders, it may take sometimes until 4 seconds for the color wheel to reflect the change.
2008 Apr 14
Copy-paste between FXTable and FXTextfield
Hi, I''m using FXRuby 1.6.13 under Windows XP / Ruby 1.8.6. I''ve noticed something strange when copying-pasting things between FXTable cells, and FXTextfields. ---------------------------------------------- 1) When copying the content of an FXTextfield, and pasting it into an FXTable cell, everything works fine. 2) When selecting an FXTable cell, issuing a "copy"