Rails - Mar 2011

Thursday March 31 2011
11:00PM 6 How to work with data from DB in controller
9:04PM 2 Recording remote_ip that created a record in a nested form
7:53PM 0 Google Charts API use
5:27PM 3 can i switch to rails 2.3.5 and run a rails 2.3.5 code??
5:17PM 2 multiple vhosts running off of one passenger/rails app
4:17PM 0 Job: Software Engineers - Union Square, New York City
4:11PM 0 Job: Software Engineering Director - Union Square, New York City
1:31PM 2 link_to with hidden parameters
11:10AM 6 Parse selectbox value with javascript
10:59AM 2 How to secure paypal signature, username and password stored in app_config
9:13AM 1 Form method="post/get" and routes
1:08AM 1 Question about setting database config without database.yml
12:24AM 3 habtm additional column
Wednesday March 30 2011
10:06PM 3 All the cities in the world
10:03PM 3 Where do I put code when I share a partial between two controllers
7:48PM 2 2 records getting inserted in two different tables using one database call
7:10PM 3 Test errors in fuctional test after adding before_filter :login_required to controller
7:06PM 3 Is there a way to ignore DST?
5:46PM 0 render layout bug after upgrade from 2.3.10 to 3.0.5
5:11PM 1 Rails-3 Spurious NULL columns on INSERT
4:47PM 0 Dextra oferece curso gratuito de Ruby On Rails em Abril
4:35PM 0 Meta_search results anomaly using named scopes
3:45PM 6 route helpers are not working
2:10PM 3 Communication between two apps?
1:38PM 1 habtm only saving one record
1:33PM 0 update params from a view
12:33PM 3 Metasearch eager loading instead of lazy loading
11:50AM 6 Formatting for I18n
11:28AM 1 Ruby interpreter / version for greenfield project
10:34AM 1 help seeding my data base
9:13AM 9 Ruby on Rails for Tablet Computers (Android OS)
8:34AM 0 how to generate transactions using braintree gateway
2:36AM 2 SessionsHelper in railstutorial.org: A good design?
1:35AM 0 personal scalffold and personal view
1:27AM 1 opinion on appropriateness of web scraping related idea
1:05AM 0 cacheable-flash and rails 3
Tuesday March 29 2011
11:59PM 0 inverse_of not supported in Rails 3 for has_many?
7:59PM 0 Handling a nested controller in a Rails3 route matcher
7:28PM 2 Constant or class variable ?
6:57PM 8 How would you counter the following argument for developing in Rails
6:37PM 27 ActiveRecord: when exactly is a record (model) saved to the database?
6:20PM 1 Handling routing errors & unknown actions in Rails 3
6:14PM 1 Automatically add parent model id in nested resources
6:06PM 2 My Unit Tests are using outdated Model Data
3:15PM 11 need to mimic threading across controllers
12:08PM 3 print for page
9:47AM 0 distance_of_time_in_words_to_now undefined method `abs'
8:53AM 4 Progress indicator
7:22AM 3 Link + Params
2:30AM 0 Ruby on Rails - Full Time Lead S/W Developer - Philly, PA - 75K-95K
12:37AM 2 recaptcha displaying weirdly
12:30AM 2 Debugging help needed
Monday March 28 2011
11:04PM 0 undefined method "load_paths" for ActiveSupport::Dependencies:Module Error
9:52PM 3 Routes and REST Issue
9:02PM 5 why does my method return an error if argument is not a number?
7:46PM 0 Strange issue with Rails middleware, Warden and missing path paremeters
6:58PM 0 SSL Requirement double POST from IE on expired certificate
6:24PM 5 Rails 2 Question
4:21PM 3 Rotating logs in Rails 3
2:53PM 2 how to use ruby mine
1:24PM 0 Token Poken :( I'm stuck with this
1:04PM 1 Clear text field with a button
12:08PM 1 Not geeing the reply by mail
10:25AM 1 will_paginate with multiple params
9:34AM 0 Possible controllers for Rails 3
7:28AM 1 Help me! The Rails wiki's domain that url is "wiki.rubyonrails.org" is removed!
6:17AM 2 New here. Trying to integrate databases. Netbeans??
5:53AM 0 error compiling ruby 1.9.2-p180 while upgrading to Rails 3
4:44AM 1 Will Paginate
3:19AM 4 RoR with integrated windows authentication
Sunday March 27 2011
5:10PM 0 replacement for functionality from acts_as_textiled
2:15PM 4 undefined method `start_form_tag'
1:57PM 0 Testing child model's create action
8:50AM 1 Rails stop responding when I try to use MySQL connection instead of SQLITE3
2:43AM 0 Autotest, cucumber, spork and the wrong file
Saturday March 26 2011
9:25PM 10 stack level too deep
6:52PM 2 upload file, read first 10 lines.
5:24PM 2 How to deserialize an array from XML
4:56PM 6 "Undefined Attribute Method"
3:57PM 2 Rails 3 + SSL
1:45PM 5 What is the best Ruby on rails IDE ?
10:29AM 2 has_many with :dependent => :destroy not destroying
7:24AM 0 Senior Rails Developer in Beijing China [yottaa]
6:39AM 3 Email Program
6:31AM 0 connecting sqlserver 2000 to netbeans
6:16AM 1 understanding the to_json method
4:41AM 1 WebApps Conference: Meet Web Application Experts from Sapient, Adobe,Wipro and others!(April 9th,2011) @ Delhi.
2:39AM 1 can't reference module in /lib/foo
Friday March 25 2011
11:16PM 1 Active support error when loading rails server/console?
10:45PM 0 Conflict between ruby & jruby bundle install
10:12PM 1 uninitialized constant Mime::HELLO
10:07PM 1 Library of freely available Rails-3-ready html/css/png designs?
8:33PM 4 using a paginate method to display the second group of 25 records on page 2
8:24PM 3 has_one/belongs_to relationship failing.
6:34PM 6 Why is Rails eager loading most of my database?
5:32PM 1 Unknown Route?
5:24PM 1 Mysql2::Error: Can't create database 'db_database'
5:14PM 0 Securtiy around Postgresql Views and Rails Models.
4:44PM 2 Most idiomatic way to link_to the current page
4:01PM 19 shared primary key (using the primary key as a foreign key for has_one association)
3:44PM 3 Dynamic constants
2:43PM 2 [JOBS] Help build some product in London
12:10PM 1 undefined method `init' for Mysql:Class on Mac with rvm and Passenger 3
11:37AM 1 generators for Rails plugin
9:25AM 4 how to solve ActiveRecord::ConnectionNotEstablished
8:38AM 1 generate models/controllers/migrations/scaffold within an existing plugin
8:30AM 1 How to send request client to server using ruby on rails
7:07AM 1 Edit With Nested Forms - Values Not Preserved Across Submit
4:27AM 1 Handling User-Entered Dates with Time Zones
3:46AM 0 jquery/prototype. element.tagName undefined
3:07AM 2 differences in default unit tests between Rails versions
3:01AM 2 The point of HAML
1:24AM 2 Rails 3 + Postgre + incompatible character encodings: ASCII-8BIT and UTF-8
Thursday March 24 2011
11:29PM 0 jquery authenticity_token issue
10:18PM 0 Highlight day if an event takes place (event_calendar gem)
9:48PM 11 upgrading from Rails 2.1.0 to 3.0 the "right way" makes my head hurt
8:23PM 1 Another noob question
6:18PM 1 Workaround for CVE-2010-3933
4:20PM 1 rspec-expectations backward compatability issue
3:34PM 2 Zlib problem
2:53PM 3 Re-generate views
1:34PM 1 After migrating to Bundler: ActionView::TemplateError (private method `gsub' called for nil:NilClass)
7:06AM 1 Pentaho
6:03AM 0 How can I change from ruby/mysql to mysql/ruby module? [Broken PIPE problem..]
5:57AM 2 Occurrs in IE <!--[endif]-->
5:57AM 2 please help me run hello world in net bean ide
5:20AM 2 Problem with Cucumber, Rails 3.0.5
2:27AM 1 EULA and downloading softwae
12:54AM 0 install previous version of Zlib unde Ubuntu
Wednesday March 23 2011
9:54PM 0 Protective
8:52PM 5 wrong constant name user error
8:32PM 1 Suggestions for Developing Reports App Using Rails
6:51PM 1 :swf_params doesn't work in the newest ckeditor version
6:42PM 0 how to select all categories select name only , subcategories select name only, limit X items
4:47PM 1 act_as_list, each event has his own postion list
2:19PM 2 Test on destroy fails after 3.0.5 upgrade
1:42PM 10 Problem in saving fields to database from csv using fastercsv
7:32AM 2 rails 3 + mongrel + mime type swf
4:39AM 6 obfuscated email not really obfuscated. but why not?
1:55AM 0 Implementing auto complete for more than one field in Rails
1:13AM 0 simple net/http request encoding
Tuesday March 22 2011
11:34PM 1 How do you structure frontend / backend (admin) ?
5:58PM 0 ACH Recurring Transactions on RoR?
5:43PM 0 Sharing session data between domains
4:46PM 3 tests fail after activerecord rename_column
2:58PM 3 Splitting up a long running task with delayed job
1:11PM 0 Replace Div using rjs
11:36AM 0 Error on ajax forms/links in jQuery UI tabs
11:35AM 1 Erubis 2.7.0 release candidate
7:42AM 0 Authenticity Token!!!!!!!!!
5:44AM 1 [Rubygem on shared host] undefined method map for nil:NilClass
5:42AM 2 Trying to figure out proper syntax for URLHelper for HTTP Referer
4:32AM 1 Find monogo object using mongoid
4:14AM 2 Problems with SQLite3
2:27AM 2 noob question on active record
2:22AM 2 Tutorial for native Rails 3 upload to database?
12:31AM 3 Premature end of script headers
Monday March 21 2011
8:52PM 2 New Rails user, slightly confused by `rails` command
8:19PM 4 Can't add hash key during iteration
6:48PM 7 MySQL & ActiveRecord Licenses
5:19PM 2 Rails3 Active record complex where clause
4:11PM 0 Combining Redmine with another Rails application
1:43PM 8 production server on passenger - showing all items in public folder
1:20PM 0 seek advise for slice & dice a table
8:56AM 2 Action Mailer - Proxy Settings.
7:15AM 1 Getting user session object in cucumber
6:33AM 2 Updating Ruby
4:48AM 6 Calling a controller action from javascript
12:14AM 4 Localhost:3000 using IE on parallels
Sunday March 20 2011
4:30PM 2 Running code before allowing user requests?
4:05PM 5 Routes - Making Delete a Collection Operation
3:42PM 0 Routes problems
3:30PM 3 ActiveRecord: update a foreign key in an association table
3:19PM 2 "no such file to load -- dispatcher (LoadError)" on starting mongrel process
9:50AM 10 Unable to install mysql2 gem on windows 7
6:06AM 7 help with rotues
4:07AM 0 has_many :through
Saturday March 19 2011
10:51PM 5 Routing issue
10:15PM 0 Problems with SSL dependent gems OAuth2 & ActiveMerchant
9:49PM 0 Best practice question
7:30PM 2 Check if within a transaction?
6:40PM 1 :message with new style validates?
5:23PM 4 problem with Associations idea
4:47PM 1 Hierarchical URLs
4:47PM 5 flash duration
4:46PM 0 Ruby on Rails CommunityGuides
11:49AM 0 [JOBS] Senior Ruby on Rails Dev - Mobile Money Startup in Nairobi
10:21AM 2 Service Management
10:13AM 2 Bash script run rudy script
7:11AM 2 Help with find
Friday March 18 2011
11:51PM 1 How born an error studing a forum
10:23PM 6 Could not find sqlite3
7:06PM 4 table helper not rendering table
6:27PM 0 Convert Rails TimeZone name to MySQL timezone name?
6:10PM 10 deploying change made to a .haml file
4:59PM 1 undefined local variable or method `calendar_date_select_includes' for #<ActionView::Base:0x7bfd920>
4:05PM 6 how to rescue this exception
3:33PM 3 Back to Basics: Drawing a line between Rails and HTML
3:32PM 1 Passing primary key into the controller from view.
2:20PM 4 forms with nested attributes
2:16PM 1 rake tool tries to connect to wrong ip address for migration
7:35AM 2 Command failed with status (1): [bundle exec cucumber
7:31AM 3 webapplications with rails+geokit
6:03AM 1 using Geokit with rails3
5:34AM 6 Sending sms via rails
Thursday March 17 2011
11:00PM 2 easy scheduling without cron
8:31PM 14 Help with session
8:04PM 4 phusion passenger and mongrel cluster (both on apache) in the same server
7:55PM 2 optional form :remote ?
6:07PM 3 Mailer template encoding error ( Spanish characters) not valid US-ASCII (obviously) ...
5:26PM 3 Why no code completion ?
4:47PM 1 code browsing: I want less than an IDE, more than grep
4:41PM 1 regarding yml
4:27PM 2 Problems with master-detail relationship
3:51PM 0 Is there an authorization gem/plugin that tells why exactly authorization failed?
3:25PM 1 X-Files ? strange ! script behaves differently when running as cron task....
2:57PM 3 Nested Models are not connecting/connected
2:05PM 1 Export To Excel - Change Default “Save as type” to Microsoft Office Excel Workbook(*xls)
1:41PM 1 Paperclip validates_attachment_content_type not working?
12:33PM 3 Entry not updated in database table(Active Record Error)
12:14PM 2 q@rhohub & rhologs
12:08PM 0 RE: SofTeC 2011: Meet testing leaders from Microsoft,Oracle,Applabs and others on Mar 26, Hyd
9:37AM 3 model with no primary key
9:11AM 0 Validation doesnt work :(
2:49AM 7 Beta Invitation in Rails 3, little problem
1:30AM 19 Understanding Ruby on Rails
Wednesday March 16 2011
11:24PM 19 Uninitialized constant Files::Magick -still around
9:41PM 2 First timer , needs help in passing parameter
8:27PM 1 Help overriding rescue_action_in_public in Rails 3
7:51PM 1 Validation for one or another field
7:03PM 1 Link_to (rails 2.2.2)
6:51PM 8 How to Parse Microsoft Word Document
6:35PM 2 Increased memory and cpu usage when migrating from MRI 1.8.6 to REE 1.8.7
6:31PM 1 Linear performance degradation with Active Record and NoMethodError
5:30PM 9 Getting Started - Various Working Environments?
5:26PM 2 Rails 2.3.X weird problem with Created On
5:19PM 3 GUI tool for model design?
4:06PM 3 Stumped on routing - getting 'no route matches' error but route exists AFAIK
3:58PM 2 Get started with Ruby
2:53PM 1 Rails getting started guide: validates not working for me?
2:34PM 0 Making Mongrel/WEBRick serve static assets with future expires header
12:59PM 1 Can I show the data stored in public directory?
7:02AM 0 Can't get ruby on rails and scriptaculous (visual_effect) to display inside facebox popup
6:43AM 1 Conditional Validation
6:05AM 6 Multiple rails versions at one passenger
5:10AM 6 create a form in rails
4:48AM 1 HTTPS using WEBrick in Rails app
3:57AM 4 how to create dropdown in rails??
Tuesday March 15 2011
9:20PM 4 New to RoR, a quick question
7:40PM 8 Problems with Object#id deprecation
5:44PM 1 MySql error with Ruby On Rails
3:12PM 2 Ror'tutorial
2:34PM 10 Set bounce address with ActionMailer::ARMailer
1:38PM 2 Simple Survey on rails
12:59PM 0 Appcoast is looking for a Ruby/Rails engineer
11:11AM 3 which Rails 3 version ?
11:01AM 6 creating login form using netbeans
9:07AM 1 Are all the accessors created automatically in non-Rails application
8:20AM 1 Acts as taggable on ( tag ownership question )
7:23AM 1 What are the various rspec test cases possible in this senario?
5:58AM 0 what is the best coding practices for Rails (model View Controller )?
5:55AM 4 What is best Ruby programming practice for Rails 3 (ruby 1.9 >)?
5:41AM 0 Alternate method for deprecated “validates_associated” method in ruby in rails
4:03AM 2 Need high level design help
1:44AM 0 Knowledgeable Devise person in SF Bay Area?
Monday March 14 2011
11:59PM 2 Multiple Submits on Same View
9:48PM 0 Problems with viewing my calendar
9:39PM 7 Rails server not works - yesterday worked fine
8:45PM 4 Weird routing problem after generating controller
7:29PM 1 newbie q@ apache passenger subdomain 'www'
5:46PM 2 Rails3 ... JQuery .. strange behavior
5:41PM 1 Correct pattern for manually adding Paperclip attachment?
5:18PM 0 Need Someone to Take Over My Existing Site
3:17PM 0 Need help with using Radio Buttons with Metawhere
1:02PM 2 Implementing Rails Like Filters in Rudy Program
12:32PM 0 while editing record_select field not fetching records
12:19PM 1 Javascript & Rails future
11:43AM 0 Acessar id através de url
10:11AM 0 Amazon s3 with Carrierwave
8:54AM 0 Lost in nested routes
7:51AM 3 error during installing gem named mysql2
6:45AM 2 how to create a form using ruby on rails
5:44AM 2 Problem when naming conventions in ruby are overriden
4:27AM 3 Kgio - ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.
1:45AM 0 Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock'
Sunday March 13 2011
11:36PM 10 Info from Ruby file to Model?
4:20PM 3 how to avoid strip character when store marshal object into table?
3:38PM 2 Error: cannot load such file
1:55PM 8 Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock'
12:47PM 3 How should I properly secure uploaded photos?
12:20PM 0 [CodeFest] Participate in Manthan - Algorithm Intensive Programming Contest
11:42AM 6 undefined method `model_name in partial .. passing an Array as a collection
Saturday March 12 2011
11:25PM 3 Problem with auto-generated controller and index
10:34PM 0 How should I model a nested comment thread ?
5:34PM 4 All rails commands give me a PGERROR
5:34PM 0 rails
3:30PM 0 cache-money plugin: your thoughts
2:28PM 0 preferences gem version 0.4.2
2:11PM 8 mysql2 adapter unable to connect to MySQL
12:59PM 1 A relationship question
11:52AM 2 Passing a variable
10:10AM 16 [RUBY] how do generate a random number w specific distribution ( which library ?)
7:33AM 1 RGhost encoding problem
7:28AM 9 netbeans 6.0.1 +ruby on rails + mysql 5.
3:53AM 4 netbeans6.0 + ruby on rails + mysql5
12:15AM 6 Testing for boolean values in a scope isn't portable?
Friday March 11 2011
10:55PM 3 Multiple variables for respond_with?
10:50PM 2 Returning count from named scope
10:33PM 12 A file-upload suddenly seems to be nil
9:06PM 9 How to hide parts of Ruby source code
8:41PM 1 I'm failing to create an instance of an has_many-associated model
8:24PM 0 [JOBS] Senior Rails Developer Contract Available in CA
6:41PM 2 OpenID for Rails 3 installation and implementation howto
6:03PM 8 Help Regarding Amazon S3 and Career Wave along with Rspec
4:12PM 1 Rails 2.3 basic routing question
3:22PM 17 Make client download and save files without showing file dialog box
3:13PM 1 Add params to redirect_to
2:59PM 0 double file load problem
2:01PM 0 Add tabindex to country_select
1:31PM 2 Problem with Redmine
12:44PM 0 RE: SofTeC 2011: Meet testing leaders from Microsoft,Oracle,Applabs and others on Mar 26, Hyd
12:10PM 0 Using RBoard with an existing database with existing user model
9:23AM 7 Using Rails for consuming a web service
9:11AM 1 Using the symbol '-' in route will cause error
8:21AM 0 aptana studio 3 for rails development.
5:59AM 4 sql server 2000 with ruby on rails works???
5:35AM 12 A help for installing rails on windows
4:54AM 0 Client side routine for user definable color scheme
4:45AM 0 Ruby Rails programmer,Working from Home.Apply:resume-VxKQ0qUpbO9BDgjK7y7TUQ@public.gmane.org
1:23AM 0 Looking for Junior Ruby on Rails programmer in Chicago-
1:01AM 2 ssl_requirement plugin still maintained?
12:27AM 3 Resuming a download
Thursday March 10 2011
10:17PM 1 mongo_translatable gem, a Ruby on Rails engine for MongoDB backed model translations, is out
9:00PM 5 Collection add saves to the database twice
7:46PM 2 Stack level too deep problem
7:17PM 8 Problem with making Rails Web App - Netbeans IDE
7:09PM 6 Validates uniqueness two columns both ways?
7:08PM 0 Rails 3 renaming routes
6:36PM 2 Rails 3 and problem with conditions - no results
4:18PM 1 increment?
3:24PM 0 last inserted id
2:35PM 2 Parslet & Stack size
1:18PM 2 trying to loop a render update page
1:08PM 0 cannot loop in render update
1:06PM 0 cannot loop on render update
11:22AM 3 Link_to onclick -javascript call
10:54AM 0 Craft Beer and Ruby
7:52AM 8 How to install rails_tiny_mce in Rails2.3.10
7:41AM 2 rows go missing through apache, but works fine in mongrail
4:00AM 4 Multi-model forms
3:05AM 0 Routing after logging in
2:16AM 1 authlogic's password field is not required in rspec?
1:43AM 10 JS data to rails view helper
Wednesday March 9 2011
10:05PM 1 Generating Unique Tokens for Assets within Rails Application
9:00PM 1 rendering absolute paths by default
8:35PM 1 invalid json response when using devise plugin
6:24PM 1 ActiveRecord serialize method not returning YAML array in test environment.
5:47PM 5 A way to share a variable across multiple httpd threads with Rails?
5:45PM 3 Problem with mailer
4:11PM 4 Why are these methods private?
3:32PM 2 Outputting SQL to page
2:27PM 1 Ajax request not working in IE, Rails 3
1:15PM 6 CMM based on RoR
12:01PM 2 which rails ready-made solution for a small simple online shop?
11:44AM 6 Rake task error
10:55AM 3 Rake aborted!
10:04AM 1 Javascript call from view.
8:31AM 3 Ruby gems version mismatch
7:54AM 0 Technical Architect
7:51AM 3 Ruby on Rails Developer
4:14AM 1 &quot; instead of " in js code rendered by erb
2:48AM 1 error in GET 'show'
2:19AM 10 validation order firing
2:17AM 2 error: action 'index' could not be found for Userscontroller
12:59AM 0 Invalid accept header: IE & external link
12:30AM 1 rails 3 routes alias
Tuesday March 8 2011
11:55PM 6 RoR failure
10:51PM 2 How to streamline this a bit of code
9:15PM 3 Weird error in webrick on windows xp when accessing through IE 6
8:13PM 0 ActiveRecord and NULL in RoR-3
8:12PM 2 tengo un problema
6:48PM 8 Translate (internationalize) entire pages - best practice?
6:21PM 0 DELL is looking for great/rock start Ruby on Rails 3 engineers
5:59PM 3 Seeking resources to help do external image preview (scraping) like FB and subsequent full-size image capture
5:10PM 0 [PR] #PgEast schedule up!
4:49PM 0 Can I disable Observers from a single controller method?
4:41PM 0 jw_player_helper, IE8, no full screen
4:07PM 4 Noob Question about params in my controller
4:06PM 16 Fragment caching and not accessing model from view
4:02PM 2 Comment creer un formulaire maitre-detail
3:27PM 1 Re: Question on Data Modeling
3:13PM 7 purpose of Factory girl?
2:11PM 6 Windows /RailsInstaller- Webrick starts but welcome page doesn't load
1:58PM 3 Rails3 Model without ActiveRecord
1:25PM 2 Rails 3.03 Database from sqlite3 to MySQL
10:44AM 1 form_tag for search bar with Rails 3.0.5
7:38AM 1 Writing acceptance tests is enough? Are controller/model/view tests necessary?
7:03AM 4 Query Regarding Rspec
5:59AM 0 keep getting an error, "rescue in load_missing_constant': uninitialized constant Paperclip::Glue (NameError)"
5:38AM 1 Bulk file upload in rails through paperclip
3:56AM 2 Rails - Acts as Nested - Impossible move, target node cannot be inside moved tree.
3:38AM 0 railstutorial.org has epub or mobi version?
1:14AM 2 Add permitions to registered users
12:45AM 1 Params hash access in before_filter
Monday March 7 2011
9:50PM 3 implementation feedback appreciated
8:16PM 0 A new, minimal Sphinx gem for Rails
7:29PM 0 Master detail forms and reports
7:22PM 2 render :json question
7:02PM 0 Testing views with RSpec
6:44PM 2 obfuscating sensitive data
5:51PM 2 uses of "self" ?
5:42PM 4 Trouble with titleize
4:53PM 2 One Mailer for all
4:45PM 3 difference between attr_accessor and attr_accessible?
4:31PM 1 @attr.merge?
3:18PM 6 Unicorn server works for 2 minutes, then crashes?
3:02PM 0 Uploading a file over AJAX
2:49PM 4 emacs-rails
2:38PM 1 Rails 2.x suggestions to add search capabilities to a model
1:55PM 0 setting up ror ... hitting "Premature end of script headers:" error.
10:29AM 3 .rvmrc file not working?
10:15AM 1 has_one :dependent => :destroy error (in `configure_dependency_for_has_one': compile error (SyntaxError))
10:04AM 1 blowfish encrypted url in ruby
9:02AM 4 Railscasts down?
7:18AM 3 Same file in different apps
6:43AM 15 Need Some assistance in Rspec and Cucumber?
3:57AM 6 Need help not able to run rails server 2.1.0
3:57AM 2 Plugin gems?
3:13AM 2 No re-enter password
3:09AM 2 Best AJAX/Javascript library for RAils
2:28AM 7 Noob Question
12:29AM 4 [OT] Cloud Compatible Apps
Sunday March 6 2011
11:58PM 1 Contract opportunity RoR
11:41PM 4 Devise and Ajax
10:43PM 2 Creating Rails Developer Guide
9:51PM 3 [Ajax] link_to remote with method POST or DELETE
8:51PM 3 HABTM Association with STI model
6:23PM 3 "rails generate" creates application
4:59PM 0 Testing ActionMailer with Cucumber
3:17PM 2 Foreign keys
2:36PM 2 Import via AR of large csv file/# of recoeds (100's of thousands)
1:44PM 3 Installing Rails and Ruby Mine
11:36AM 2 Can JRuby be used to "compile" or "encrypt" code?
3:39AM 1 Javascript Best Practices with Rails 3, Learning Resources
Saturday March 5 2011
10:38PM 0 Custom Mail Agent
8:34PM 7 Printing of dates from database (MongoDB)
7:57PM 5 AREL probelm with postgress
3:11PM 15 Heroku deployment problem
10:53AM 5 Problem with generating view
7:11AM 0 Looking for ROR developers willing to spend their free time working on a side project
3:51AM 4 Installing Ruby on Rails
3:48AM 1 Banner in RoR
3:47AM 6 Currency exchange dynamic data
3:36AM 0 PO file changes not reflected in website
12:13AM 0 Stack Overflow question about Rails 3.1 engines and testing controllers
12:00AM 1 invite system
Friday March 4 2011
11:26PM 2 can't set up Git for some reason
9:46PM 0 [JOBS] Language Learning Start-Up
8:45PM 1 form_for_tag - difference between that and form_remote_tag and form_for?
7:36PM 1 Howto enter nonbreaking spaces in I18n translarion file
4:22PM 8 Rails 3 respond_with csv
4:10PM 4 !map:HashWithIndifferentAccess
3:33PM 1 How to modify the template path for ActionMailer used in a Ruby script ?
2:02PM 10 How to Migrate a Project created in rails 3.0.3 and ruby 1.9.2 using mongodb with mongoid ?
11:28AM 1 Active Record
10:26AM 1 Portable RoR
9:07AM 0 'find_record_in_template' in a functional test
9:04AM 3 Configuring a project Created in Rails 3.0.3 and ruby 1.9.2??
8:32AM 3 Weird problem with json rendering of model of relationship in Rails 3.0.4
6:50AM 4 Newbie Method Error Question
2:55AM 0 How to invoke a controller action from another controller in-memory?
2:22AM 1 How to clear password field on ruby on rails
1:37AM 1 DEPRECATION WARNING: error_messages_for was removed from Rails.
12:41AM 7 Example of work with mongo
Thursday March 3 2011
10:33PM 3 Help hacking AR timestamps
10:13PM 1 which oauth gem to use?
9:57PM 1 Functional test default methods
9:10PM 6 a twist on polymorphism
8:56PM 1 Nondestructive testing environment on legacy db
7:55PM 2 Can't start console
7:11PM 1 NilClass in my partial
7:00PM 1 server side HTTP Client (Browser)
6:00PM 2 A way to stop some fixtures from loading for certain tests?
5:36PM 0 application/json request defaults?
5:06PM 19 Problem connecting to localhost:3000
3:54PM 1 Update and Redevelopment
2:52PM 0 Rails 2.3.7 and content_for problem
10:38AM 4 Problems with Sqlite3 and apt-get
9:27AM 3 One controller for two tables?
9:16AM 4 Mongrel starting Error
7:43AM 6 Show a value in view
12:01AM 7 [HELP PLS] uninitialized constant ActiveSupport::Dependencies::Mutex
Wednesday March 2 2011
11:24PM 2 date type in database becomes nil in rails
10:19PM 1 Video Streaming
10:08PM 0 Using Pony to send email with attachments
9:59PM 4 migrations in rails?
9:53PM 2 Nested forms validation problem
8:51PM 0 [JOBS] - BillFloat, full time - Downtown San Francisco
8:08PM 1 Member route error
7:47PM 1 autotest not doing anything
6:54PM 2 Logging in when user account captured by subdomain
6:13PM 3 haml to erb - does it work with new html5 tags?
6:04PM 2 Rails3 Uploading a File over AJAX
5:35PM 1 How to generate an sql comment using a migration file?
5:33PM 4 group() and PostgreSQL strange behavior
4:25PM 0 Re: Digest for rubyonrails-talk-/JYPxA39Uh5TLH3MbocFFw@public.gmane.org - 25 Messages in 14 Topics
4:09PM 0 A Gem to make Git & Rails Migrations work together
4:07PM 0 Noob: Weird Association Question
3:01PM 0 Need help with RSpec xhr request
2:59PM 2 How to create a method such as: @user.travels.register(.)
2:34PM 2 Ambiguous columns from related tables
1:33PM 2 Keep file formatation
9:42AM 1 Rails doesn't find installed gem on server startup
8:14AM 0 Arel average of averages
8:13AM 0 [JOBS] Ruby on Rails developer wanted
7:56AM 2 Joins in ror
6:48AM 0 polymorphic_path not getting generated
6:17AM 3 Unauthorized Access
6:16AM 1 Designing Relation Ship Between Different Models
5:50AM 0 How to add a feature to an existing Rails project
5:42AM 3 Couldn't find 'rspec' generator
2:52AM 1 Devise gem issue
2:22AM 5 Rails guides has_many :through example
12:40AM 3 Terminal for Windows XP
Tuesday March 1 2011
11:48PM 3 redesigning a php app
11:37PM 11 Did rails or shoulda go insane on the inflection of 'taxes'?
10:02PM 0 Arel question / ActiveRecord / Windowed SQL queries
9:31PM 0 PgEast Content, Rails training + MongoDB!
8:47PM 1 Proper Location for AR Monkey-Patch (Rails 3)
7:52PM 0 Quiz,chat
7:47PM 8 Installation Error?
7:31PM 0 Association data within a fields_for
6:41PM 3 How to include the mail_to helper inside of a controller
5:26PM 1 dev.rubyonrails.org is down
3:31PM 2 Can't get any server to run on windows
3:22PM 2 how to delete with ajax
2:16PM 0 Unfiltered Password in Exception Notification
1:49PM 0 (2.3.5) removing validations
1:42PM 3 Get Started!!
11:40AM 3 CrowdCoded.com
10:13AM 11 Glossary module
8:44AM 3 Main menu generated from database
4:23AM 0 First Saturday Free Workshops on ROR by BangaloreRUG
1:41AM 12 elationship between ruby on rails and html/css?
12:54AM 6 render :collection calling partial with phantom object?