On 31 Aug 2009, at 18:19, GG9 Rails wrote:
> I installed my railsapp on my server and now i get a strange error
> when
> i tried to upload a photo.
> On my macbook it works well but on the server i got next error when i
> create a new post
> Photo /tmp/stream.22042.1 is not recognized by the
''identify'' command.
> Photo /tmp/stream.22042.1 is not recognized by the
''identify'' command.
> The message came as an error message on the website
It means the ImageMagick installation on your server doesn''t recognize
the file you''re passing to it (for processing). It can be a number of
- ImageMagick not compiled correctly
- ImageMagick compiled correctly, but not with the library that
processes the filetype you are giving to it
- Some other stuff that doesn''t come to mind right now :-)
Best regards
Peter De Berdt
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