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On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 11:22 PM, Nilesh Kulkarni
wrote:> I am writing an application in which i have list of books fetching from
> data base,i am using textbox to display that data from database .ie
> "xyz" hindi, are in textbox.
> i am displaying 100 record per page ,i want to use single save button
> that will save changes in all page instead of for each recors (means if
> i change "xyz"(name) from first line and
"english"(language) from second
> and clock on save button all changes must be saved in database)how can i
> do that?
> id name language year
> 1 xuz hindi 2008
> 2 sdd english 1982
> .
> .
> .
> 100 xde eng 2009
> __________
> |save button|
> -----------
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